#!/usr/bin/env texlua require'pdfmml-emulate-node' local convert = require'luamml-convert' local mappings = require'luamml-legacy-mappings' local to_xml = require'luamml-xmlwriter' local parse_showlists = require'pdfmml-showlists' local parse_log = require'pdfmml-logreader' local attributes = lfs.attributes local function try_extensions_(base, extension, ...) if extension == nil then return end local fullname = base .. extension if attributes(fullname, 'mode') == 'file' then return fullname end return try_extensions_(base, ...) end local function try_extensions(base, ...) if attributes(base, 'mode') == 'file' then return base end return try_extensions_(base, ...) end if #arg < 1 then io.stderr:write(string.format('Usage: %s {logname} [{outname}]\n\z If {outname} includes {}, then a separate file is written for every formula with {} replaced by the formula id.\n', arg[0])) os.exit(1) end local parsed = assert(parse_log(assert(try_extensions(arg[1], '.tml', '.log'), "Couldn't find input file."))) for i, inst in ipairs(parsed.instructions) do local _, _, family, mapping_name = inst:find'^REGISTER_MAPPING:([0-9]+):(.*)$' if family then local mapping = mappings[mapping_name] if mapping then convert.register_family(tonumber(family), mapping) else io.stderr:write(string.format('Unknown mapping %s ignored\n', mapping_name)) end else io.stderr:write'Unknown instruction ignored\n' end end local out_prefix, out_suffix, out_stream if not arg[2] or arg[2] == '-' then out_stream = io.stdout else local _ _, _, out_prefix, out_suffix = arg[2]:find'^(.*){}(.*)$' if not out_prefix then out_stream = assert(io.open(arg[2], 'w')) end end for i, block in ipairs(parsed.groups) do local stream = out_stream or assert(io.open(out_prefix .. tostring(i) .. out_suffix, 'w')) block = block[1] local parsed = parse_showlists(block, nil, nil, parsed) local style = block.display and 0 or 2 stream:write( to_xml(convert.make_root(convert.process(parsed, style), style)), '\n' ) if not out_stream then stream:close() end end