local write_xml = require'luamml-xmlwriter' local make_root = require'luamml-convert'.make_root local save_result = require'luamml-tex'.save_result local store_column = require'luamml-table'.store_column local store_tag = require'luamml-table'.store_tag local get_table = require'luamml-table'.get_table local properties = node.get_properties_table() local funcid = luatexbase.new_luafunction'__luamml_amsmath_add_box_to_row:' token.set_lua('__luamml_amsmath_add_box_to_row:', funcid, 'protected') lua.get_functions_table()[funcid] = function() -- TODO: Error handling etc -- local box = token.scan_int() local boxnum = 0 local startmath = tex.box[boxnum].list assert(startmath.id == node.id"math") store_column(startmath, true) end funcid = luatexbase.new_luafunction'__luamml_amsmath_finalize_table:' token.set_lua('__luamml_amsmath_finalize_table:', funcid) lua.get_functions_table()[funcid] = function() -- TODO: Error handling etc local mml_table = get_table() if not mml_table then return end mml_table.displaystyle = true local columns = node.count(node.id'align_record', tex.lists.align_head)//2 mml_table.columnalign = string.rep('right left', columns, ' ') local spacing = {} for n in node.traverse_id(node.id'glue', tex.lists.align_head) do spacing[#spacing+1] = n.width == 0 and '0' or '.8em' end mml_table.columnspacing = table.concat(spacing, ' ', 2, #spacing-2) save_result(mml_table, 0) end local last_tag funcid = luatexbase.new_luafunction'__luamml_amsmath_save_tag:' token.set_lua('__luamml_amsmath_save_tag:', funcid, 'protected') lua.get_functions_table()[funcid] = function() local nest = tex.nest.top local chars = {} for n, id, sub in node.traverse(nest.head.next) do if id == node.id'glyph' then if sub >= 0x100 then texio.write_nl'WARNING: Already shaped glyph detected in tag. This might lead to wrong output.' end chars[#chars+1] = n.char elseif id == node.id'glue' then chars[#chars+1] = 0x20 elseif id == node.id'kern' then else print(n) texio.write_nl'WARNING: Unsupported node in tag dropped' end end last_tag = utf8.char(table.unpack(chars)) end funcid = luatexbase.new_luafunction'__luamml_amsmath_set_tag:' token.set_lua('__luamml_amsmath_set_tag:', funcid, 'protected') lua.get_functions_table()[funcid] = function() if not last_tag then texio.write_nl'WARNING: Tag extraction failed' return end store_tag({[0] = 'mtd', {[0] = 'mtext', last_tag}}) last_tag = nil end