\ProvidesExplPackage {luamml-patches-amsmath} {2025-02-21} {0.4.0}
  {Feel free to add a description here}

\lua_now:n { require'luamml-amsmath' }

% For all of these changes, the redefinitions appear huge.
% But they are almost identical to the original and only
% add luamml commands in appropriate places, so they would
% mostly disappear if there were enough hooks in amsmath.
  \def\common@align@ending {
  \math@cr \black@\totwidth@
  \UseExpandableTaggingSocket {math/luamml/mtable/finalize} {\@currenvir}

    % aligned and friends
    \cs_set:Npn \start@aligned #1#2 {
        \nonmatherr@ { \begin { \@currenvir } }
      \savecolumn@ % Assumption: called inside a group
        \UseTaggingSocket{ math/luamml/annotate/false } {}{ \alignedspace@left }
      \ams@start@box {#1} \bgroup
        \maxfields@ #2 \relax
        \ifnum \maxfields@ > \m@ne
          \multiply \maxfields@ \tw@
          \let \math@cr@@@ \math@cr@@@alignedat
          \alignsep@ \z@skip
          \let \math@cr@@@ \math@cr@@@aligned
          \alignsep@ \minalignsep
        \Let@ \chardef \dspbrk@context \@ne
        \spread@equation % no-op if already called
        \global \column@ \z@
        \ialign \bgroup
          & \column@plus
              \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/save/nNn}{ {} \displaystyle {mtd}}
            \tabskip \z@skip
          & \column@plus
              \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/save/nNn}{ {} \displaystyle {mtd}}
     \renewcommand \gathered [1] [c] {
         \nonmatherr@ { \begin {gathered} }
       \UseTaggingSocket{ math/luamml/annotate/false } {}{ \alignedspace@left }
       \ams@start@box {#1} \bgroup
         \chardef \dspbrk@context \@ne
         \ialign \bgroup
               \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/save/nNn}{ {} \displaystyle {mtd}}
   \cs_set:Npn \endaligned {
     \cs_set:Npn \gather@ #1 {
       \let \split \insplit@
       \let \tag \tag@in@align
       \let \label \label@in@display
       \chardef \dspbrk@context \z@
       \intertext@ \displ@y@ \Let@
       \let \math@cr@@@ \math@cr@@@gather
       \gmeasure@ {#1}
       \global \shifttag@false
       \tabskip \z@skip
       \global \row@ \@ne
       \halign to \displaywidth \bgroup
           \setboxz@h {
               \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/save/nNn}{ {} \displaystyle {mtd}}
           \setboxz@h {
           \dim_compare:nNnTF {0pt} = {
             \box_wd:N \c_zero_int
           { \place@tag@gather }
           \tabskip \iftagsleft@
           \span \fi
% in latex lab, add the luamml_ignore to \measuring@true instead.
    \cs_new_eq:NN \__luamml_amsmath_original_gmeasure:n \gmeasure@
    \cs_set:Npn \gmeasure@ #1 {
        { \luamml_ignore: }
        { \__luamml_amsmath_original_gmeasure:n {#1} }

   \cs_set:Npn \endgather {
         \black@ \totwidth@
         \UseExpandableTaggingSocket{math/luamml/mtable/finalize} {gather}

% align and friends
   \cs_set:Npn \align@preamble {
       \setboxz@h {
             \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/save/nNn}{ {} \displaystyle {mtd}}
       \setboxz@h {
           \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/save/nNn}{ {} \displaystyle {mtd}}
   \cs_set:Npn \math@cr@@@align {
       \global \tag@true
     \global \advance \row@ \@ne
     \add@amps \maxfields@
     \kern -\alignsep@
       \setboxz@h {
         { \make@display@tag }
       \global \@eqnswtrue
     \global \lineht@ \z@

% This was lost anyway, as the latex-lab code overwrites
% the definition again.
   \cs_set:Npn \maketag@@@ #1
      \hbox {
% this handled in latex-lab through \common@align@ending
    \cs_set:Npn \endalign {
      \black@ \totwidth@
      \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/mtable/finalize} {align}
   % For a more interesting one, let's consider multline:
   \cs_new_eq:NN \__luamml_amsmath_original_multline:n \multline@
   \cs_set:Npn \multline@ #1 {
     \__luamml_amsmath_original_multline:n {
       \ifmeasuring@ \else
         \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/mtable/aligncol} {left}
       \ifmeasuring@ \else
         \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/mtable/aligncol} {right}

   %this is not move to latex-lab as the luamml_ignore is inserting with 
   % \measuringtrue
   \cs_new_eq:NN \__luamml_amsmath_original_mmeasure:n \mmeasure@
   \cs_set:Npn \mmeasure@ #1 {
       { \luamml_ignore: }
       { \__luamml_amsmath_original_mmeasure:n {#1} }
% Luckily, {multline} uses \endmultline@math in exactly
% the spot where we have to set the flag.
% Less luckily, \endmultline@math sometimes get overwritten for the last line.
% But that isn't a problem since we want special behavior there anyway.
    \cs_set:Npn \endmultline@math {
      \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/save/nNn}{{} \displaystyle {mtd}}
    \cs_set:Npn \rendmultline@ {
          \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/save/nNn}{{} \displaystyle {mtd}}
          \let \endmultline@math \relax
            \hskip \multlinegap
            \llap {
              \vtop {
                \setbox \@ne \null
                \dp \@ne \lineht@
                \box \@ne
                \hbox {
            \hskip \multlinetaggap
          \hskip \multlinegap
        \UseExpandableTaggingSocket {math/luamml/mtable/finalize} {multline}
    \cs_set:Npn \lendmultline@ {
        \UseExpandableTaggingSocket {math/luamml/mtable/finalize} {multline}
        %\__luamml_amsmath_finalize_table:n {multline}
    \renewenvironment {smallmatrix} {
      \UseTaggingSocket{ math/luamml/annotate/false } {} { \null\, }
      \vcenter \bgroup
        \baselineskip 6 \ex@
        \lineskip 1.5 \ex@
        \lineskiplimit \lineskip
        \ialign \bgroup
            % No \scriptsize here since we want to add the mstyle nodes
            \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/save/nn}{ {} {mtd}}
            % No \scriptsize here since we want to add the mstyle nodes
            \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/save/nn}{ {} {mtd}}
      \UseTaggingSocket{math/luamml/annotate/false} {}{ \, }

    % {cases} is defined by the kernel, but we patch the overwritten version by amsmath.
    \cs_set:Npn \env@cases {
      \let \@ifnextchar \new@ifnextchar
      \left \lbrace
        \def \arraystretch {1.2}
        \array {@{}l@{\quad \luamml_ignore:}l@{}}
   \cs_set:Npn \bBigg@ #1 #2 {
       \ensuremath {
         \Uvextensible height~#1 \big@size axis~exact~#2
} %end package test