local mlist_to_mml = require'luamml-convert' local process_mlist = mlist_to_mml.process local make_root = mlist_to_mml.make_root local register_family = mlist_to_mml.register_family local mappings = require'luamml-legacy-mappings' local write_xml = require'luamml-xmlwriter' local properties = node.get_properties_table() local funcid = luatexbase.new_luafunction'RegisterFamilyMapping' token.set_lua('RegisterFamilyMapping', funcid, 'protected') lua.get_functions_table()[funcid] = function() local fam = token.scan_int() local mapping = token.scan_string() if mappings[mapping] then register_family(fam, mappings[mapping]) else tex.error(string.format('Unknown font mapping %q', mapping)) end end -- Possible flag values: -- 0: Normal (This is the only supported one in display mode) -- 1: Like 0, result is display math -- 2: Generate MathML, but only save it for later usage in startmath node -- 3: Skip -- 4: Prepend node list from buffer before generating -- 5: Like 5, result is display math -- 6: 2+4 -- 7: Skip but save copy of node list in buffer -- -- In other words: -- Bit 1: Suppress output -- Bit 0: Force display if 1 isn't set, if it is then skip MathML generation -- Bit 2: Integrate with table mechanism local mlist_buffer local mlist_result local function save_result(xml, style) mlist_result = write_xml(make_root(xml, style)) end luatexbase.add_to_callback('pre_mlist_to_hlist_filter', function(mlist, style) local flag = tex.count.l__luamml_flag_int if flag & 3 == 3 then if flag & 4 == 4 then assert(mlist_buffer == nil) mlist_buffer = node.copy_list(mlist) end return true end local new_mlist, buffer_tail if flag & 4 == 4 then new_mlist, buffer_tail = assert(mlist_buffer), node.tail(mlist_buffer) mlist.prev, buffer_tail.next = buffer_tail, mlist mlist_buffer = nil else new_mlist = mlist end local xml = process_mlist(new_mlist, style == 'display' and 0 or 2) if flag & 2 == 0 then save_result(xml, (style == 'display' or flag & 1 == 1) and 0 or 2) else assert(style == 'text') local startmath = tex.nest.top.tail local props = properties[startmath] if not props then props = {} properties[startmath] = props end props.saved_mathml_table = xml end if buffer_tail then mlist.prev, buffer_tail.next = nil, nil node.flush_list(new_mlist) end return true end, 'dump_list') funcid = luatexbase.new_luafunction'luamml_get_last_mathml_stream:e' token.set_lua('luamml_get_last_mathml_stream:e', funcid) lua.get_functions_table()[funcid] = function() if not mlist_result then tex.error('No current MathML data', { "I was asked to provide MathML code for the last formula, but there weren't any new formulas since you last asked." }) end tex.sprint(-2, tostring(pdf.immediateobj('stream', mlist_result, '/Subtype/application#2Fmathml+xml' .. token.scan_argument(true)))) mlist_result = nil end return { save_result = save_result, }