local remap_comb = require'luamml-data-combining' local stretchy = require'luamml-data-stretchy' local properties = node.get_properties_table() local kern_t, glue_t = node.id'kern', node.id'glue' local noad_t, accent_t, style_t, choice_t = node.id'noad', node.id'accent', node.id'style', node.id'choice' local radical_t, fraction_t, fence_t = node.id'radical', node.id'fraction', node.id'fence' local math_char_t, sub_box_t, sub_mlist_t = node.id'math_char', node.id'sub_box', node.id'sub_mlist' local noad_sub = node.subtypes'noad' local radical_sub = node.subtypes'radical' local fence_sub = node.subtypes'fence' local remap_lookup = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, k) local ch = utf8.char(k & 0x1FFFFF) t[k] = ch return ch end}) local digit_map = {["0"] = true, ["1"] = true, ["2"] = true, ["3"] = true, ["4"] = true, ["5"] = true, ["6"] = true, ["7"] = true, ["8"] = true, ["9"] = true,} -- Two marker tables. They are used instead of an embellished operator to mark space-like or user provided constructs local user_provided, space_like = {}, {} local nodes_to_table local function sub_style(s) return s//4*2+5 end local function sup_style(s) return s//4*2+4+s%2 end -- The _to_table functions generally return a second argument which is -- could be (if it were a ) a core operator of the embellishe operator -- or space_like/user_provided -- The delim_to_table and acc_to_table are special since their return value should -- always be considered a core operator -- We ignore large_... since they aren't used for modern fonts local function delim_to_table(delim) if not delim then return end local props = properties[delim] props = props and props.mathml_table if props then return props end local fam = delim.small_fam local char = remap_lookup[fam << 21 | delim.small_char] return {[0] = 'mo', char, ['tex:family'] = fam ~= 0 and fam or nil, stretchy = not stretchy[char] or nil } end -- Like kernel_to_table but always a math_char_t. Also creating a mo and potentially remapping to handle combining chars local function acc_to_table(acc, cur_style, stretch) if not acc then return end local props = properties[acc] props = props and props.mathml_table if props then return props end if acc.id ~= math_char_t then error'confusion' end local fam = acc.fam local char = remap_lookup[fam << 21 | acc.char] char = remap_comb[char] or char if stretch ~= not stretchy[char] then -- Handle nil gracefully in stretchy stretch = nil end return {[0] = 'mo', char, ['tex:family'] = fam ~= 0 and fam or nil, stretchy = stretch} end local function kernel_to_table(kernel, cur_style) if not kernel then return end local props = properties[kernel] props = props and props.mathml_table if props then return props, user_provided end local id = kernel.id if id == math_char_t then local fam = kernel.fam local char = remap_lookup[fam << 21 | kernel.char] local elem = digit_map[char] and 'mn' or 'mi' local result = {[0] = elem, char, ['tex:family'] = fam ~= 0 and fam or nil, mathvariant = #char == 1 and elem == 'mi' and utf8.codepoint(char) < 0x10000 and 'normal' or nil } return result, result elseif id == sub_box_t then local result = {[0] = 'mi', {[0] = 'mglyph', ['tex:box'] = kernel.list}} return result, result elseif id == sub_mlist_t then return nodes_to_table(kernel.list, cur_style) else error'confusion' end end local function do_sub_sup(t, core, n, cur_style) local sub = kernel_to_table(n.sub, sub_style(cur_style)) local sup = kernel_to_table(n.sup, sup_style(cur_style)) if sub then if sup then return {[0] = 'msubsup', t, sub, sup}, core else return {[0] = 'msub', t, sub}, core end elseif sup then return {[0] = 'msup', t, sup}, core else return t, core end end -- If we encounter a . or , after a number, test if it's followed by another number and in that case convert it into a mn local function maybe_to_mn(noad, core) if noad.sub or noad.sup then return end local after = noad.next if not after then return end if after.id ~= noad_t then return end if noad_sub[after.subtype] ~= 'ord' then return end after = after.nucleus if not after then return end if after.id ~= math_char_t then return end if not digit_map[remap_lookup[after.fam << 21 | after.char]] then return end core[0] = 'mn' end local function noad_to_table(noad, sub, cur_style, mn) local class = noad_sub[sub] local nucleus, core = kernel_to_table(noad.nucleus, class == 'over' and cur_style//2*2+1 or cur_style) if class == 'ord' then if core and core[0] == 'mo' then core[0] = 'mi' core.stretchy, core.mathvariant = nil, #core == 1 and type(core[0]) == 'string' and utf8.len(core[0]) == 1 and utf8.codepoint(core[0]) < -0x10000 and 'normal' or nil core['tex:class'] = nil end if nucleus == core and #core == 1 then if mn and core[0] == 'mi' and (core[1] == '.' or core[1] == ',') and maybe_to_mn(noad, core) or core[0] == 'mn' then if mn then mn[#mn+1] = core[1] nucleus = do_sub_sup(mn, mn, noad, cur_style) if nucleus == mn then return nil, mn, mn else return nucleus, mn, false end elseif not noad.sub and not noad.sup then return core, core, core end end end elseif class == 'opdisplaylimits' or class == 'oplimits' or class == 'opnolimits' or class == 'bin' or class == 'rel' or class == 'open' or class == 'close' or class == 'punct' or class == 'inner' then if not core or not core[0] then -- TODO else core[0] = 'mo' if stretchy[core[1]] then core.stretchy = false end if core.mathvariant == 'normal' then core.mathvariant = nil end end nucleus['tex:class'] = class if (noad.sup or noad.sub) and (class == 'opdisplaylimits' or class == 'oplimits') then nucleus.movablelimits = class == 'opdisplaylimits' local sub = kernel_to_table(noad.sub, sub_style(cur_style)) local sup = kernel_to_table(noad.sup, sup_style(cur_style)) return {[0] = sup and (sub and 'munderover' or 'mover') or 'munder', nucleus, sub or sup, sub and sup, }, core end elseif class == 'under' then return {[0] = 'munder', nucleus, {[0] = 'mo', '_',}, }, core elseif class == 'over' then return {[0] = 'mover', nucleus, {[0] = 'mo', '\u{203E}',}, }, core elseif class == 'vcenter' then nucleus['tex:TODO'] = class else error[[confusion]] end return do_sub_sup(nucleus, core, noad, cur_style) end local function accent_to_table(accent, sub, cur_style) local nucleus, core = kernel_to_table(accent.nucleus, cur_style//2*2+1) local top_acc = acc_to_table(accent.accent, cur_style, sub & 1 == 1) local bot_acc = acc_to_table(accent.bot_accent, cur_style, sub & 2 == 2) return {[0] = top_acc and (bot_acc and 'munderover' or 'mover') or 'munder', nucleus, bot_acc or top_acc, bot_acc and top_acc, }, core end local style_table = { display = {displaystyle = "true", scriptlevel = "0"}, text = {displaystyle = "false", scriptlevel = "0"}, script = {displaystyle = "false", scriptlevel = "1"}, scriptscript = {displaystyle = "false", scriptlevel = "2"}, } style_table.crampeddisplay, style_table.crampedtext, style_table.crampedscript, style_table.crampedscriptscript = style_table.display, style_table.text, style_table.script, style_table.scriptscript local function radical_to_table(radical, sub, cur_style) local kind = radical_sub[sub] local nucleus, core = kernel_to_table(radical.nucleus, cur_style//2*2+1) local left = delim_to_table(radical.left) local elem if kind == 'radical' or kind == 'uradical' then -- FIXME: Check that this is really a square root elem, core = {[0] = 'msqrt', nucleus}, nil elseif kind == 'uroot' then -- FIXME: Check that this is really a root elem, core = {[0] = 'msqrt', nucleus, kernel_to_table(radical.degree)}, nil elseif kind == 'uunderdelimiter' then elem, core = {[0] = 'munder', left, nucleus}, left elseif kind == 'uoverdelimiter' then elem, core = {[0] = 'mover', left, nucleus}, left elseif kind == 'udelimiterunder' then elem = {[0] = 'munder', nucleus, left} elseif kind == 'udelimiterover' then elem = {[0] = 'mover', nucleus, left} else error[[confusion]] end return do_sub_sup(elem, core, radical, cur_style) end local function fraction_to_table(fraction, sub, cur_style) local num, core = kernel_to_table(fraction.num, sup_style(cur_style)) local denom = kernel_to_table(fraction.denom, sub_style(cur_style)) local left = delim_to_table(fraction.left) local right = delim_to_table(fraction.right) local mfrac = {[0] = 'mfrac', linethickness = fraction.width and fraction.width == 0 and 0 or nil, bevelled = fraction.middle and "true" or nil, num, denom, } if left then return {[0] = 'mrow', left, mfrac, right, -- might be nil } elseif right then return {[0] = 'mrow', mfrac, right, } else return mfrac, core end end local function fence_to_table(fence, sub, cur_style) local delim = delim_to_table(fence.delimiter) delim.fence = 'true' return delim, delim end local function space_to_table(amount, sub, cur_style) if amount == 0 then return end if sub == 99 then -- TODO magic number -- 18*2^16=1179648 return {[0] = 'mspace', width = string.format("%.2fem", amount/1179648)}, space_like else -- 65781.76=tex.sp'100bp'/100 return {[0] = 'mspace', width = string.format("%.2fpt", amount/65781.76)}, space_like end end function nodes_to_table(head, cur_style) local t = {[0] = 'mrow'} local result = t local nonscript local core, mn = space_like for n, id, sub in node.traverse(head) do local new_core, new_mn local props = properties[n] props = props and props.mathml_table if props then t[#t+1], new_core = props, user_provided elseif id == noad_t then local new_n new_n, new_core, new_mn = noad_to_table(n, sub, cur_style, mn) if new_mn == false then t[#t], new_mn = new_n, nil else t[#t+1] = new_n -- might be nil end elseif id == accent_t then t[#t+1], new_core = accent_to_table(n, sub, cur_style) elseif id == style_t then if sub ~= cur_style then if #t == 0 then t[0] = 'mstyle' else local new_t = {[0] = 'mstyle'} t[#t+1] = new_t t = new_t end if sub < 2 then t.displaystyle, t.scriptlevel = true, 0 else t.displaystyle, t.scriptlevel = false, sub//2 - 1 end cur_style = sub end new_core = space_like elseif id == choice_t then local size = cur_style//2 t[#t+1], new_core = nodes_to_table(n[size == 0 and 'display' or size == 1 and 'text' or size == 2 and 'script' or size == 3 and 'scriptscript' or assert(false)], 2*size), space_like elseif id == radical_t then t[#t+1], new_core = radical_to_table(n, sub, cur_style) elseif id == fraction_t then t[#t+1], new_core = fraction_to_table(n, sub, cur_style) elseif id == fence_t then t[#t+1], new_core = fence_to_table(n, sub, cur_style) elseif id == kern_t then if not nonscript then t[#t+1], new_core = space_to_table(n.kern, sub, cur_style) end elseif id == glue_t then if cur_style >= 4 or not nonscript then if sub == 98 then -- TODO magic number nonscript = true else t[#t+1], new_core = space_to_table(n.width, sub, cur_style) end end else new_core = {[0] = 'tex:TODO', other = n} t[#t+1] = new_core end nonscript = nil if core and new_core ~= space_like then core = new_core end mn = new_mn end if t[0] == 'mrow' and #t == 1 then assert(t == result) result = t[1] end return result, core end local function register_remap(family, mapping) family = family << 21 for from, to in next, mapping do remap_lookup[family | from] = utf8.char(to) end end local function to_math(root, style) if root[0] == 'mrow' then root[0] = 'math' else root = {[0] = 'math', root} end root.xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML' root['xmlns:tex'] = 'http://typesetting.eu/2021/LuaMathML' if style < 2 then root.display = 'block' end return root end return { register_family = register_remap, process = function(head, style) return nodes_to_table(head, style or 2) end, make_root = to_math, }