local noad_t, accent_t, style_t, choice_t = node.id'noad', node.id'accent', node.id'style', node.id'choice' local radical_t, fraction_t, fence_t = node.id'radical', node.id'fraction', node.id'fence' local math_char_t, sub_box_t, sub_mlist_t = node.id'math_char', node.id'sub_box', node.id'sub_mlist' local noad_sub = node.subtypes'noad' local radical_sub = node.subtypes'radical' local fence_sub = node.subtypes'fence' local nodes_to_table -- We ignore large_... since they aren't used for modern fonts local function delim_to_table(delim) if not delim then return end local fam = delim.small_fam return {[0] = 'mo', utf8.char(delim.small_char), ['tex:family'] = fam ~= 0 and fam or nil } end local function kernel_to_table(kernel) if not kernel then return end local id = kernel.id if id == math_char_t then local char = kernel.char local elem = char >= 0x30 and char < 0x39 and 'mn' or 'mi' local fam = kernel.fam return {[0] = elem, utf8.char(kernel.char), ['tex:family'] = fam ~= 0 and fam or nil } elseif id == sub_box_t then return {[0] = 'mi', {[0] = 'mglyph', ['tex:box'] = kernel.list}} elseif id == sub_mlist_t then return nodes_to_table(kernel.list) else error'confusion' end end local function do_sub_sup(t, n) sub = kernel_to_table(n.sub) sup = kernel_to_table(n.sup) if sub then if sup then return {[0] = 'msubsup', t, sub, sup} else return {[0] = 'msub', t, sub} end elseif sup then return {[0] = 'msup', t, sup} else return t end end local function noad_to_table(noad, sub) local class = noad_sub[sub] local nucleus = kernel_to_table(noad.nucleus) if class == 'ord' then -- elseif class == 'opdisplaylimits' then -- elseif class == 'oplimits' then -- elseif class == 'opnolimits' then elseif class == 'bin' or class == 'rel' or class == 'open' or class == 'close' or class == 'punct' or class == 'inner' then if nucleus[0] == 'mrow' then -- TODO else nucleus[0] = 'mo' end nucleus['tex:class'] = class -- elseif class == 'under' then -- elseif class == 'over' then -- elseif class == 'vcenter' then else -- error[[confusion]] nucleus['tex:TODO'] = class end return do_sub_sup(nucleus, noad) end local function radical_to_table(radical, sub) local kind = radical_sub[sub] local nucleus = kernel_to_table(radical.nucleus) local left = delim_to_table(radical.left) local elem if kind == 'radical' or kind == 'uradical' then -- FIXME: Check that this is really a square root elem = {[0] = 'msqrt', nucleus} elseif kind == 'uroot' then -- FIXME: Check that this is really a root elem = {[0] = 'msqrt', nucleus, delim_to_table(radical.degree)} elseif kind == 'uunderdelimiter' then elem = {[0] = 'munder', left, nucleus} elseif kind == 'uoverdelimiter' then elem = {[0] = 'mover', left, nucleus} elseif kind == 'udelimiterunder' then elem = {[0] = 'munder', nucleus, left} elseif kind == 'udelimiterover' then elem = {[0] = 'mover', nucleus, left} else error[[confusion]] end return do_sub_sup(elem, radical) end local function fraction_to_table(fraction, sub) local num = kernel_to_table(fraction.num) local denom = kernel_to_table(fraction.denom) local left = delim_to_table(fraction.left) -- local middle = delim_to_table(fraction.middle) local right = delim_to_table(fraction.right) local mfrac = {[0] = 'mfrac', linethickness = fraction.width and fraction.width == 0 and 0 or nil, bevelled = fraction.middle and "true" or nil, num, denom, } if left then return {[0] = 'mrow', left, mfrac, right, -- might be nil } elseif right then return {[0] = 'mrow', mfrac, right, } else return mfrac end end local function fence_to_table(fraction, sub) error[[TODO]] return { kind = fence_sub[sub], } end function nodes_to_table(head) local t = {[0] = "mrow"} for n, id, sub in node.traverse(head) do if id == noad_t then t[#t+1] = noad_to_table(n, sub) elseif id == accent_t then print(n) t[#t+1] = {[0] = 'TODO', accent = n} elseif id == style_t then print(n) t[#t+1] = {[0] = 'TODO', style = n} elseif id == choice_t then print(n) t[#t+1] = {[0] = 'TODO', choice = n} elseif id == radical_t then t[#t+1] = radical_to_table(n, sub) elseif id == fraction_t then t[#t+1] = fraction_to_table(n, sub) elseif id == fence_t then print(n) t[#t+1] = {[0] = 'TODO', fence = n} else print(n) t[#t+1] = n end end return t end return function(head) local result = nodes_to_table(head) result[0] = 'math' result.xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML' result['xmlns:tex'] = 'http://typesetting.eu/2021/LuaMathML' return result end