diff --git a/.github/tl_packages b/.github/tl_packages
index 0630b10..ea7ca2b 100644
--- a/.github/tl_packages
+++ b/.github/tl_packages
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ l3backend
diff --git a/luamml-structelemwriter.lua b/luamml-structelemwriter.lua
index 97a90ac..7c2e549 100644
--- a/luamml-structelemwriter.lua
+++ b/luamml-structelemwriter.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
local struct_begin = token.create'tag_struct_begin:n'
local struct_use = token.create'tag_struct_use:n'
+local struct_use_num = token.create'tag_struct_use_num:n'
local struct_end = token.create'tag_struct_end:'
local mc_begin = token.create'tag_mc_begin:n'
@@ -65,6 +66,11 @@ local function write_elem(tree, stash)
return tex.sprint(struct_use, '{', tree[':struct'], '}')
+ if tree[':structnum'] then
+ return tex.runtoks(function()
+ return tex.sprint(struct_use_num, '{', tree[':structnum'], '}')
+ end)
+ end
if not tree[0] then print('ERR', require'inspect'(tree)) end
local i = 0
for attr, val in next, tree do if type(attr) == 'string' and not string.find(attr, ':') and attr ~= 'xmlns' then
diff --git a/luamml-tex-annotate.lua b/luamml-tex-annotate.lua
index 050a00a..958b3ee 100644
--- a/luamml-tex-annotate.lua
+++ b/luamml-tex-annotate.lua
@@ -83,6 +83,18 @@ local function annotate()
+ if annotation.structnum ~= nil then
+ local saved = props.mathml_filter
+ local structnum = annotation.structnum
+ function props.mathml_filter(mml, core)
+ mml[':structnum'] = structnum
+ if saved then
+ return saved(mml, core)
+ else
+ return mml, core
+ end
+ end
+ end
tex.error'Unable to annotate nucleus of node without nucleus'
diff --git a/luamml.dtx b/luamml.dtx
index 651185a..c45dca1 100644
--- a/luamml.dtx
+++ b/luamml.dtx
@@ -93,7 +93,23 @@
% }
% \end{verbatim}
% produces a |TeX| element in the output instead of trying to import \TeX~as a mathematical expression.
-% The table structure is explained in an appendix.
+% It it possible to add a structure around the construct, stash that structure
+% and then to tell \cmd{luamml_annotate:en} to insert it later inside the math.
+% For this the keys \texttt{struct} (which takes a label as argument) or \texttt{structnum}
+% (which takes a structure number) can be used. For example
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% $a = b \quad
+% \tagstructbegin{tag=mtext,stash}\tagmcbegin{}
+% \luamml_annotate:en{nucleus=true,structnum=\tag_get:n{struct_num}}
+% {\mbox{some~text~with~\emph{structure}}}
+% \tagmcend\tagstructend
+% $
+% \end{verbatim}
+% Such a construction should check that the flag for structure elements has actually
+% been set to avoid orphaned structures if the stashed structure is ignored.
+% More about the table structure is explained in an appendix.
% \section{Features \& Limitations}
% Currently all mathematical expressions which purely contain Unicode encoded math mode material without embedded non-math should get converted successfully.
diff --git a/testfiles-lua/test_structnum.pvt b/testfiles-lua/test_structnum.pvt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9e3ca3
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
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+% suppress writing of luamml-mathml
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+% suppress mathml-AF reading
+\tagpdfsetup{math/mathml/sources=} %
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+ \tagstructbegin{tag=mtext,stash}\tagmcbegin{}
+ \luamml_annotate:en{nucleus=true,structnum=\tag_get:n{struct_num}}
+ {\mbox{some~text~with~\emph{structure}}}
+ \tagmcend\tagstructend
diff --git a/testfiles-lua/test_structnum.tpf b/testfiles-lua/test_structnum.tpf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cd2230
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