@ -44,6 +44,48 @@ lua.get_functions_table()[funcid] = function()
set_row_attribute('columnalign', token.scan_argument())
-- This function is used to add a intent :continued-row to
-- rows of a split environment.
-- we assume that the table is a mtable with mrow with mtd.
-- we check row 2..n. If the first cell has only one element and
-- for this element 'tex:ignore' has been set, we assume a continued row and
-- set the intent on the mrow.
local function add_intent_continued_row (table)
for index,rowtable in ipairs(table) do
if table[index][1] and table[index][1][1] then -- just for safety ...
if index > 1 and #table[index][1]==1 and table[index][1][1]['tex:ignore'] then
-- This function add an intent =":pause-medium" on every second mtd in a table
-- currently it is also on the first (after the label) but this could be changed
-- used in __luamml_amsmath_finalize_table:n for
-- 'align' or 'alignat' or 'flalign' or 'xalignat' or 'xxalignat'
local function add_intent_pause (mmltable)
for mtrindex,mtrtable in ipairs(mmltable) do
for mtdindex,mtdtable in ipairs(mtrtable) do
if (mtdindex % 2 == 0) then
-- debug function for tables
-- activate with \directlua{debugmtable=2} or \directlua{debugmtable='split'}
local function debug_mtable (mtable,kind)
if debugmtable and (debugmtable==2) or (debugmtable==kind) then
local saved
funcid = luatexbase.new_luafunction'__luamml_amsmath_save_inner_table:n'
@ -51,9 +93,14 @@ do
lua.get_functions_table()[funcid] = function()
-- TODO: Error handling etc
local kind = token.scan_argument()
kind = kind:gsub("*","")
local mml_table = get_table()
if not mml_table then return end
mml_table.displaystyle = true
if kind=="split" then
add_intent_continued_row (mml_table)
local columns = node.count('align_record', tex.lists.align_head)//2
mml_table.columnalign = kind == 'gathered' and 'center' or string.rep('right left', columns, ' ')
local spacing = {}
@ -61,6 +108,7 @@ do
spacing[#spacing+1] = n.width == 0 and '0' or string.format('%.3fpt', n.width/65781.76)
mml_table.columnspacing = #spacing > 3 and table.concat(spacing, ' ', 2, #spacing-2) or nil
saved = mml_table
@ -70,10 +118,12 @@ do
-- TODO: Error handling etc
local mml_table = get_table()
mml_table.align = 'axis'
mml_table.columnalign = 'center'
mml_table.columnspacing = '0.278em'
mml_table.rowspacing = string.format('%.3fpt', tex.lineskip.width/65781.76)
saved = {[0] = 'mpadded', width = '+0.333em', lspace = '0.167em', mml_table}
saved = mml_table
@ -97,18 +147,26 @@ token.set_lua('__luamml_amsmath_finalize_table:n', funcid)
lua.get_functions_table()[funcid] = function()
-- TODO: Error handling etc
local kind = token.scan_argument()
kind = kind:gsub("*","")
local mml_table = get_table()
if not mml_table then return end
mml_table.displaystyle = true
-- this should perhaps be configurable and extendable
if kind == 'align' or 'alignat' or 'flalign' or 'xalignat' or 'xxalignat' then
add_intent_pause (mml_table)
local columns = node.count('align_record', tex.lists.align_head)//2
mml_table.columnalign = kind == 'align' and string.rep('right left', columns, ' ') or nil
mml_table.columnalign = kind == 'align' and 'left '..string.rep('right left', columns, ' ') or nil
mml_table.width = kind == 'multline' and '100%' or nil
-- mml_table.side = kind == 'multline' and 'rightoverlap' or nil
local spacing = {}
for n in node.traverse_id('glue', tex.lists.align_head) do
spacing[#spacing+1] = n.width == 0 and '0' or '.8em'
mml_table.columnspacing = #spacing > 3 and table.concat(spacing, ' ', 2, #spacing-2) or nil
mml_table.columnspacing = #spacing > 3 and "0 "..table.concat(spacing, ' ', 2, #spacing-2) or nil
save_result(mml_table, true)
@ -7,6 +7,25 @@
% But they are almost identical to the original and only
% add luamml commands in appropriate places, so they would
% mostly disappear if there were enough hooks in amsmath.
\def\common@align@ending {
\math@cr \black@\totwidth@
\UseExpandableTaggingSocket {math/luamml/mtable/finalize} {\@currenvir}
@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ endobj
<< /Type /Filespec /AFRelationship /Supplement /Desc (mathml-3) /F (mathml-3.xml) /UF <FEFF006D006100740068006D006C002D0033002E0078006D006C> /EF<</F 26 0 R/UF 26 0 R>> >>
28 0 obj
<< /Type /EmbeddedFile /Subtype /application#2Fmathml+xml /Params<</ModDate (D:20160520) >> /Length 1014 >>
<< /Type /EmbeddedFile /Subtype /application#2Fmathml+xml /Params<</ModDate (D:20160520) >> /Length 1203 >>
<math display="block" xmlns=""> <mtable columnalign="right left right left" columnspacing="0 .8em 0" displaystyle="true"> <mtr> <mtd> <mi>𝑎</mi> <mi>𝑏</mi> <mi>𝑐</mi> </mtd> <mtd> <mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0.278em">=</mo> <mi>𝑑</mi> <mi>𝑒</mi> <mi>𝑓</mi> </mtd> <mtd> <msup> <mi>𝑒</mi> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="normal">i</mi> <mi>𝜋</mi> </mrow> </msup> </mtd> <mtd> <mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0">=</mo> <mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0">−</mo> <mn>1</mn> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mo fence="true" lspace="0" maxsize="17.861pt" minsize="17.861pt" rspace="0" symmetric="true">(</mo> <mn>1</mn> <mo lspace="0.222em" rspace="0.222em">+</mo> <mn>2</mn> </mtd> <mtd> <mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0.278em">=</mo> <mn>3</mn> <mo fence="true" lspace="0" maxsize="17.861pt" minsize="17.861pt" rspace="0" symmetric="true">)</mo> </mtd> <mtd> </mtd> <mtd> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mn>5</mn> </mtd> <mtd> </mtd> <mtd> </mtd> <mtd> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> </math>
<math display="block" xmlns=""> <mtable class="align" columnalign="left right left right left" columnspacing="0 0 .8em 0" displaystyle="true" intent=":system-of-equations"> <mtr> <mtd> <mi>𝑎</mi> <mi>𝑏</mi> <mi>𝑐</mi> </mtd> <mtd intent=":pause-medium"> <mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0.278em">=</mo> <mi>𝑑</mi> <mi>𝑒</mi> <mi>𝑓</mi> </mtd> <mtd> <msup> <mi>𝑒</mi> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="normal">i</mi> <mi>𝜋</mi> </mrow> </msup> </mtd> <mtd intent=":pause-medium"> <mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0">=</mo> <mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0">−</mo> <mn>1</mn> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mo fence="true" lspace="0" maxsize="17.861pt" minsize="17.861pt" rspace="0" symmetric="true">(</mo> <mn>1</mn> <mo lspace="0.222em" rspace="0.222em">+</mo> <mn>2</mn> </mtd> <mtd intent=":pause-medium"> <mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0.278em">=</mo> <mn>3</mn> <mo fence="true" lspace="0" maxsize="17.861pt" minsize="17.861pt" rspace="0" symmetric="true">)</mo> </mtd> <mtd> </mtd> <mtd intent=":pause-medium"> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mn>5</mn> </mtd> <mtd intent=":pause-medium"> </mtd> <mtd> </mtd> <mtd intent=":pause-medium"> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> </math>
29 0 obj
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ endobj
<< /O/NSO/NS 13 0 R/fence(true)/lspace(0)/maxsize(17.861pt)/minsize(17.861pt)/rspace(0)/symmetric(true) >>
189 0 obj
<< /O/NSO/NS 13 0 R/columnalign(right left right left)/columnspacing(0 .8em 0)/displaystyle(true) >>
<< /O/NSO/NS 13 0 R/class(align)/columnalign(left right left right left)/columnspacing(0 0 .8em 0)/displaystyle(true)/intent(:system-of-equations) >>
196 0 obj
<< /Subtype /application#2Fx-tex/Type /EmbeddedFile /Params<</ModDate (D:20160520) >> /Length 27 >>
@ -1798,27 +1798,27 @@ endobj
0 254
0000000002 65535 f
0000028070 00000 n
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@ -1826,233 +1826,233 @@ xref
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<< /Size 254 /Root 252 0 R /Info 253 0 R /ID [ <2350CAD05F8A7AF0AA4058486855344F> <2350CAD05F8A7AF0AA4058486855344F> ] >>
@ -125,14 +125,14 @@
<math display="block" xmlns="">
<mtable columnalign="right left right left" columnspacing="0 .8em 0" displaystyle="true">
<mtable class="align" columnalign="left right left right left" columnspacing="0 0 .8em 0" displaystyle="true" intent=":system-of-equations">
<mtd intent=":pause-medium">
<mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0.278em">=</mo>
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
<mtd intent=":pause-medium">
<mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0">=</mo>
<mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0">−</mo>
@ -160,21 +160,21 @@
<mo lspace="0.222em" rspace="0.222em">+</mo>
<mtd intent=":pause-medium">
<mo lspace="0.278em" rspace="0.278em">=</mo>
<mo fence="true" lspace="0" maxsize="17.861pt" minsize="17.861pt" rspace="0" symmetric="true">)</mo>
<mtd intent=":pause-medium"></mtd>
<mtd intent=":pause-medium"></mtd>
<mtd intent=":pause-medium"></mtd>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user