
42 lines
2.1 KiB

local pk_global_resolution, pk_resolution_is_fixed
local pdfvariable = pdf.variable
local read_pk = require'luametalatex-font-pk'
local strip_floats = require'luametalatex-pdf-utils'.strip_floats
return function(pdf, fontdir, usedcids)
if not pk_global_resolution then
pk_global_resolution = pdfvariable.pkresolution
if not pk_global_resolution or pk_global_resolution == 0 then
pk_global_resolution = kpse.var_value'pk_dpi' or 72
local mode = pdfvariable.pkmode
pk_resolution_is_fixed = pdfvariable.pkfixeddpi ~= 0
kpse.init_prog("LUATEX", pk_global_resolution, pkmode ~= '' and pkmode or nil, nil) -- ?
local pk = read_pk(kpse.find_file(, 'pk', pk_resolution_is_fixed and pk_global_resolution or (pk_global_resolution*fontdir.size/fontdir.designsize+.5)//1))
local designsize = pk.designsize/1044654.326 -- 1044654.326=2^20*72/72.27 -- designsize in bp
local hscale = 65536/pk.hppp / designsize -- 65291.158=2^16*72/72.27
local vscale = 65536/pk.vppp / designsize -- 65291.158=2^16*72/72.27
local bbox = {0, 0, 0, 0}
local matrix = {hscale, 0, 0, vscale, 0, 0}
local widths = {}
local first_cid = usedcids[1][1]-1
local charprocs = {}
local prev = 0
for i=1,#usedcids do
local used = usedcids[i]
local glyph = pk[used[1]]
for j=prev+1,used[1]-first_cid-1 do
widths[j] = 0
prev = used[1]-first_cid
widths[prev] = glyph.dx/2^16
local lower, left, upper, right = glyph.voff - glyph.h, -glyph.hoff, glyph.voff, -glyph.hoff + glyph.w
bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[4] = math.min(bbox[1], left), math.min(bbox[2], lower), math.max(bbox[3], right), math.max(bbox[4], upper)
charprocs[i] = string.format("/G%i %i 0 R", used[1], pdf:stream(nil, "", string.format("%i %i %i %i %i %i d1 %i 0 0 %i %i %i cm BI /W %i/H %i/IM true/BPC 1/D[1 0] ID %s EI",
glyph.dx/2^16, glyph.dy, left, lower, right, upper, glyph.w, glyph.h, left, lower, glyph.w, glyph.h,
return bbox, matrix, pdf:indirect(nil, strip_floats('[' .. table.concat(widths, ' ') .. ']')), '<<' .. table.concat(charprocs) .. '>>'