-- Some helpers based on Penlight local absdir, dirsep do local sep = package.config:sub(1,1) local is_windows = sep == "\\" dirsep = lpeg.S(is_windows and '\\/' or '/') local anchor_pattern = lpeg.Cs(is_windows and lpeg.P'\\\\' + dirsep/'\\' + 1*lpeg.P':'*dirsep^-1/'\\' or lpeg.P'//' + dirsep^1/'/') function isabs(P) return P:sub(1,1) == '/' or (is_windows and (P:sub(1,1)=='\\' or P:sub(2,2)==':')) end local insert, remove, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat function normpath(P) -- Split path into anchor and relative path. local anchor, P = ((anchor_pattern + lpeg.Cc'') * lpeg.C(lpeg.P(1)^0)):match(P) if is_windows then P = P:gsub('/','\\') end local parts = {} for part in P:gmatch('[^'..sep..']+') do if part == '..' then if #parts ~= 0 and parts[#parts] ~= '..' then remove(parts) else insert(parts, part) end elseif part ~= '.' then insert(parts, part) end end P = anchor..concat(parts, sep) if P == '' then P = '.' end return P end function join(p1,p2,...) if select('#',...) > 0 then local p = join(p1,p2) return join(p, ...) end if isabs(p2) then return p2 end local endc = p1:sub(#p1,#p1) if endc ~= "/" and (not is_windows or endc ~= "\\") and endc ~= "" then p1 = p1..sep end return p1..p2 end function absdir(P,pwd) local use_pwd = pwd ~= nil pwd = pwd or lfs.currentdir() if not isabs(P) then P = join(pwd,P) elseif is_windows and not use_pwd and P:sub(2,2) ~= ':' and P:sub(2,2) ~= '\\' then P = pwd:sub(1,2)..P -- attach current drive to path like '\\fred.txt' end return normpath(P) .. sep end end -- Who are we anyway? local format = os.selfname -- or os.selfcore, I couldn't find a difference yet local ourname = arg[0] -- This might not be os.selfarg[0] if os.selfarg[0] == ourname then ourname = nil end for i, a in ipairs(os.selfarg) do -- LuaMetaTeX needs -- to introduce parameters, -- but fmtutil uses just -. Let's rewrite this on the fly: if a == ourname then -- Avoid recursion table.remove(os.selfarg, i) ourname = nil a = os.selfarg[i] end if a == "--" then break end a = a:gsub("^%-%-?", "--") os.selfarg[i] = a if a:sub(1, 11) == "--progname=" then format = a:sub(12) elseif a == '--ini' then is_initex = true end end local dir = absdir(os.selfdir) local dirseparators = {((lpeg.S'\\/'^1 + 1 * lpeg.P':' * lpeg.S'\\/'^-1) * lpeg.Cp() * ((1-lpeg.S'\\/')^0*lpeg.S'\\/'*lpeg.Cp())^0):match(dir)} -- First step: Find our actual format. local init_script = format .. "-init.lua" local texmf_dir = "tex/lualatex/" .. format .. '/' .. init_script local paths = { init_script, "share/texmf-local/" .. texmf_dir, "share/texmf-dist/" .. texmf_dir, "share/texmf/" .. texmf_dir, "texmf-local/" .. texmf_dir, "texmf-dist/" .. texmf_dir, "texmf/" .. texmf_dir, } for i = #dirseparators, 1, -1 do dir = dir:sub(1, dirseparators[i] - 1) for _, subdir in ipairs(paths) do local full_path = dir .. subdir local attr = lfs.attributes(full_path) if attr then dir = full_path goto FOUND end end end error[[CRITICAL: Initialization script not found]] ::FOUND:: -- table.insert(arg, 1, "--lua=" .. dir) -- table.insert(arg, 1, "luametatex") -- arg[0] = nil -- local _, msg = os.exec(arg) -- error(msg) os.setenv("engine", status.luatex_engine) local ret_value if is_initex then ret_value = os.execute(string.format("luametatex \"--lua=%s\" --arg0=\"%s\" \"%s\"", dir, os.selfarg[0], table.concat(os.selfarg, "\" \""))) else ret_value = os.execute(string.format("luametatex \"--fmt=%s\" \"--lua=%s\" --arg0=\"%s\" \"%s\"", format, dir, os.selfarg[0], table.concat(os.selfarg, "\" \""))) end os.exit(x)