local value_values = token.values'value' for i=0,#value_values do value_values[value_values[i]] = i end local count_code = value_values.integer local dimen_code = value_values.dimension local set_local = require'luametalatex-local' local texmeta = getmetatable(tex) local texmetaoldindex = texmeta.__index local texmetaoldnewindex = texmeta.__newindex local tex_variables = {} function texmeta.__index(t, k) return tex_variables[k] or texmetaoldindex(t, k) end function texmeta.__newindex(t, k, v) if tex_variables[k] then return set_local(tex_variables, k, v) else return texmetaoldnewindex(t, k, v) end end local function tex_variable(value, scanner, name, default) token.luacmd(name, function(_, scanning) if scanning == 'value' then return value, tex_variables[name] else token.scan_keyword'=' return set_local(tex_variables, name, scanner(), scanning == 'global') end end, 'global', 'protected', 'value') tex_variables[name] = default end local real_pdf_variables, pdf_variable_names = {}, {'pageresources'} local pdf_toks_map = {} local pdf_variables = setmetatable(pdf.variable, { __index = function(_, k) local v = real_pdf_variables[k] if v then return v end v = pdf_toks_map[k] if v then return tex.toks[v] end end, __newindex = function(_, k, v) if real_pdf_variables[k] then return set_local(real_pdf_variables, k, v) end local toks = pdf_toks_map[k] if toks then tex.toks[toks] = v end end, }) pdf.variable_names = pdf_variable_names local pdf_toks if status.ini_version then local pdf_toks_list = {} function pdf_toks(name, default) pdf_variable_names[#pdf_variable_names+1] = name pdf_toks_list[#pdf_toks_list+1] = {name, default} end function initialize_pdf_toks() for i=1,#pdf_toks_list do local entry = pdf_toks_list[i] local csname = 'pdfvariable ' .. entry[1] token.set_char(csname, 0) -- Ensure that csname exists local t = token.create(csname) tex.runtoks(function() token.put_next(token.create'newtoks', t) end) pdf_toks_map[entry[1]] = t.index tex.toks[t.index] = entry[2] end end else function pdf_toks(name, default) pdf_variable_names[#pdf_variable_names+1] = name local t = token.create('pdfvariable ' .. name) pdf_toks_map[name] = t.index tex.toks[t.index] = default end end local function pdf_variable(value, scanner, name, default) pdf_variable_names[#pdf_variable_names+1] = name token.luacmd('pdfvariable ' .. name, function(_, scanning) if scanning == 'value' then return value, real_pdf_variables[name] else token.scan_keyword'=' return set_local(real_pdf_variables, name, scanner(), scanning == 'global') end end, 'global', 'protected', 'value') real_pdf_variables[name] = default end tex_variable(count_code, token.scan_int, 'suppressfontnotfounderror', 0) tex_variable(count_code, token.scan_int, 'outputmode', 1) -- The "traditional" default would be 0, -- but we do not actually support that. tex_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'pageheight', tex.sp'297mm') tex_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'pagewidth', tex.sp'210mm') tex_variable(count_code, token.scan_int, 'bodydirection', 0) tex_variable(count_code, token.scan_int, 'pagedirection', 0) pdf_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'horigin', tex.sp'1in') pdf_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'vorigin', tex.sp'1in') pdf_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'linkmargin', tex.sp'0pt') pdf_variable(count_code, token.scan_int, 'majorversion', 1) pdf_variable(count_code, token.scan_int, 'minorversion', 7) pdf_variable(count_code, token.scan_int, 'compresslevel', 0) pdf_variable(count_code, token.scan_int, 'objcompresslevel', 0) -- 0 is actually the only supported value right now, so this is basically ignored pdf_toks('pageresources', '') function tex.getbodydir() return tex.bodydirection end function tex.getpagedir() return tex.pagedirection end function tex.setbodydir(i) tex.bodydirection = i end function tex.setpagedir(i) tex.pagedirection = i end local dir_regs = require 'luametalatex-dir-registers' dir_regs 'textdir' dir_regs 'bodydir' dir_regs 'pagedir'