local upper_mask = (1<<20)-1<<44 local shifted_sign = 1<<43 local function scale(factor1, factor2) local result = factor1*factor2 >> 20 if result & shifted_sign == shifted_sign then return result | upper_mask else return result end end local function read_scaled(buf, i, count, factor) local result = {} for j = 1, count do result[j] = scale(factor, string.unpack(">i4", buf, i + (j-1)*4)) end return result, i + count * 4 end local function parse_tfm(buf, i, size) local lf, lh, bc, ec, nw, nh, nd, ni, nl, nk, ne, np lf, lh, bc, ec, nw, nh, nd, ni, nl, nk, ne, np, i = string.unpack(">HHHHHHHHHHHH", buf, i) assert(bc-1 <= ec and ec <= 255) assert(lf == 6 + lh + (ec - bc + 1) + nw + nh + nd + ni + nl + nk + ne + np) assert(lh >= 2) local checksum, designsize checksum, designsize = string.unpack(">I4i4", buf, i) i = i + 4*lh designsize = designsize>>4 -- Adjust TFM sizes to sp if size < 0 then size = math.floor(-size*designsize/1000+.5) end -- In contrast to TeX, we will assume that multiplication of two 32 bit -- integers never overflows. This is safe if Lua integers have 64 bit, -- which is the default. local ligatureoffset, r_boundary local widths, heights, depths, italics, kerns, parameters local extensibles = {} do local i = i + (ec - bc + 1) * 4 widths, i = read_scaled(buf, i, nw, size) heights, i = read_scaled(buf, i, nh, size) depths, i = read_scaled(buf, i, nd, size) italics, i = read_scaled(buf, i, ni, size) for k,v in ipairs(italics) do if v == 0 then italics[k] = nil end end ligatureoffset = i if string.byte(buf, i, i) > 128 then r_boundary = string.byte(buf, i+1, i+1) end i = i + nl * 4 kerns, i = read_scaled(buf, i, nk, size) for j = 1, ne do local ext = {} ext.top, ext.mid, ext.bot, ext.rep, i = string.unpack("BBBB", buf, i) for k,v in pairs(ext) do if v == 0 then ext[k] = nil end end extensibles[j] = ext end local slant = string.unpack(">i4", buf, i) >> 4 parameters = read_scaled(buf, i, np, size) parameters[1] = slant end local characters = {} for cc = bc,ec do local charinfo charinfo, i = string.unpack(">I4", buf, i) if (charinfo >> 24) & 0xFF ~= 0 then local char = { width = widths[((charinfo >> 24) & 0xFF) + 1], height = heights[((charinfo >> 20) & 0xF) + 1], depth = depths[((charinfo >> 16) & 0xF) + 1], italic = italics[((charinfo >> 10) & 0xF) + 1], } local tag = (charinfo >> 8) & 0x3 if tag == 0 then elseif tag == 1 then local offset = (charinfo & 0xFF) * 4 + ligatureoffset if string.byte(buf, offset, offset) > 128 then offset = string.unpack(">H", buf, offset + 2) end char.kerns, char.ligatures = {}, {} local done = {} repeat local skip, next, op, rem skip, next, op, rem, offset = string.unpack("BBBB", buf, offset) if skip > 128 then break end if next == r_boundary then next = "right_boundary" end if not done[next] then done[next] = true if op >= 128 then char.kerns[next] = kerns[(op - 128 << 8) + rem + 1] else char.ligatures[next] = { type = op, char = rem, } end end offset = offset + 4*skip until skip == 128 if not next(char.kerns) then char.kerns = nil end if not next(char.ligatures) then char.ligatures = nil end elseif tag == 2 then char.next = charinfo & 0xFF elseif tag == 3 then char.extensible = extensibles[(charinfo & 0xFF) + 1] end characters[cc] = char end end return { checksum = checksum, direction = 0, embedding = "unknown", -- encodingbytes = 0, extend = 1000, format = "unknown", identity = "unknown", mode = 0, slant = 0, squeeze = 1000, oldmath = false, streamprovider = 0, tounicode = 0, type = "unknown", units_per_em = 0, used = false, width = 0, writingmode = "unknown", size = size, designsize = designsize, parameters = parameters, characters = characters, } end local basename = ((1-lpeg.S'\\/')^0*lpeg.S'\\/')^0*lpeg.C((1-lpeg.P'.tfm'*-1)^0) return function(name, size) local filename = kpse.find_file(name, 'tfm', true) if not filename then return end local f = io.open(filename) if not f then return end local buf = f:read'*a' f:close() local result = parse_tfm(buf, 1, size) result.name = basename:match(name) return result end