local scan_int = token.scan_integer token.scan_int = scan_int -- For compatibility with LuaTeX packages local scan_token = token.scan_token local scan_tokenlist = token.scan_tokenlist local scan_keyword = token.scan_keyword local scan_csname = token.scan_csname local set_macro = token.set_macro local callback_find = callback.find local constants = status.getconstants() local lua_call_cmd = token.command_id'lua_call' local properties = node.direct.get_properties_table() node.direct.properties = properties function node.direct.get_properties_table() return properties end -- setmetatable(node.direct.get_properties_table(), { -- __index = function(t, id) -- local new = {} -- t[id] = new -- return new -- end -- }) local new_whatsit = require'luametalatex-whatsits'.new local whatsit_id = node.id'whatsit' local spacer_cmd, relax_cmd = token.command_id'spacer', token.command_id'relax' local function scan_filename() local name = {} local quoted = false local tok, cmd repeat tok = scan_token() cmd = tok.command until cmd ~= spacer_cmd and cmd ~= relax_cmd while (tok.command <= 12 and tok.command > 0 and tok.command ~= 9 and tok.index <= constants.max_character_code or (token.put_next(tok) and false)) and (quoted or tok.index ~= string.byte' ') do if tok.index == string.byte'"' then quoted = not quoted else name[#name+1] = tok.index end tok = scan_token() end return utf8.char(table.unpack(name)) end -- These are chosen to coincide with ltluatex's default catcodetables. -- In expl-hook, we check that the values are as expected. local initex_catcodetable = 1 local string_catcodetable = 2 if status.ini_version then tex.runlocal(function()tex.sprint[[\initcatcodetable 1\initcatcodetable 2]]end) local setcatcode = tex.setcatcode for i=0,127 do setcatcode('global', 2, i, 12) end setcatcode('global', 2, 32, 10) end local l = lpeg or require'lpeg' local add_file_extension = l.Cs((1-('.' * (1-l.S'./\\')^0) * -1)^0 * (l.P(1)^1+l.Cc'.tex')) local ofiles, ifiles = {}, {} local function do_openout(p) if ofiles[p.file] then ofiles[p.file]:close() end local msg ofiles[p.file], msg = io.open(add_file_extension:match(p.name), 'w') if not ofiles[p.file] then error(msg) end end local open_whatsit = new_whatsit('open', do_openout) token.luacmd("openout", function(_, immediate) -- \openout if immediate == "value" then return end if immediate and immediate & 0x7 ~= 0 then immediate = immediate & 0x8 tex.error("Unexpected prefix", "You used \\openout with a prefix that doesn't belong there. I will ignore it for now.") end local file = scan_int() scan_keyword'=' local name = scan_filename() local props = {file = file, name = name} if immediate and immediate == 8 then do_openout(props) else local whatsit = node.direct.new(whatsit_id, open_whatsit) properties[whatsit] = props node.direct.write(whatsit) end end, "value") token.luacmd("openin", function(_, prefix) if prefix == "value" then return end local file = scan_int() scan_keyword'=' local name = scan_filename() if ifiles[file] then ifiles[file]:close() end local msg ifiles[file] = callback_find('open_data_file', true)(name) -- raw to pick up our wrapper which handles defaults and finding the file end, "value") local function do_closeout(p) if ofiles[p.file] then ofiles[p.file]:close() ofiles[p.file] = nil end end local close_whatsit = new_whatsit('close', do_closeout) token.luacmd("closeout", function(_, immediate) -- \closeout if immediate == "value" then return end if immediate and immediate & 0x7 ~= 0 then immediate = immediate & 0x8 tex.error("Unexpected prefix", "You used \\closeout with a prefix that doesn't belong there. I will ignore it for now.") end local file = scan_int() local props = {file = file} if immediate == 8 then do_closeout(props) else local whatsit = node.direct.new(whatsit_id, close_whatsit) properties[whatsit] = props node.direct.write(whatsit) end end, "value") token.luacmd("closein", function(_, prefix) if prefix == "value" then return end local file = scan_int() if ifiles[file] then ifiles[file]:close() ifiles[file] = nil end end, "value") local function do_write(p) local data = token.serialize(p.data) local content = data and data .. '\n' or '\n' local file = ofiles[p.file] if file then file:write(content) else texio.write_nl(p.file < 0 and "log" or "term and log", content) end end local write_whatsit = new_whatsit('write', do_write) token.luacmd("write", function(_, immediate) -- \write if immediate == "value" then return end if immediate and immediate & 0x7 ~= 0 then immediate = immediate & 0x8 tex.error("Unexpected prefix", "You used \\write with a prefix that doesn't belong there. I will ignore it for now.") end local file = scan_int() local content = scan_tokenlist() local props = {file = file, data = content} if immediate == 8 then do_write(props) else local whatsit = node.direct.new(whatsit_id, write_whatsit) properties[whatsit] = props node.direct.write(whatsit) end end, "value") local undefined_tok = token.new(0, token.command_id'undefined_cs') local prefix_cmd = token.command_id'prefix' local function prefix_to_tokens(prefix) if not prefix then return end for i=2, 0, -1 do if prefix & (1< to \\cs'.\nI'm going to look for the \\cs now.") end local macro = scan_csname(true) local file = ifiles[id] local line if file then line = file:reader() if not line then file:close() ifiles[id] = nil end else error[[FIXME: Ask the user for input]] end local endlocal tex.runlocal(function() endlocal = token.scan_next() tex.sprint(endlocal) tex.print(line and line ~= "" and line or " ") tex.print(endlocal) end) local tokens = {} local balance = 0 while true do local tok = token.scan_next() if tok == endlocal then break end if tok.command == 1 then balance = balance + 1 elseif tok.command == 2 then balance = balance - 1 end tokens[#tokens+1] = tok end if balance ~= 0 then error[[FIXME: Read additional input lines]] end tex.runlocal(function() tokens[#tokens+1] = rbrace token.put_next(tokens) token.put_next(token.primitive_tokens.def, token.create(macro), lbrace) prefix_to_tokens(prefix) end) end, "value") token.luacmd("readline", function(_, prefix) if immediate == "value" then return end local id = scan_int() if not scan_keyword'to' then tex.error("Missing `to' inserted", "You should have said `\\read to \\cs'.\nI'm going to look for the \\cs now.") end local macro = scan_csname(true) local file = ifiles[id] local line if file then line = file:reader() if not line then file:close() ifiles[id] = nil end else error[[FIXME: Ask the user for input]] end line = line and line:match"^(.*[^ ])[ ]*$" local endlinechar = tex.endlinechar if endlinechar >= 0 and endlinechar < 0x80 then line = (line or '') .. string.char(endlinechar) end set_macro(string_catcodetable, macro, line or '', prefix) end, "value") local integer_code, boolean_code do local value_values = token.getfunctionvalues() for i=0,#value_values do if value_values[i] == "integer" then integer_code = i elseif value_values[i] == "boolean" then boolean_code = i end end end token.luacmd("ifeof", function(_) local id = scan_int() return boolean_code, not ifiles[id] end, "condition") local late_lua_whatsit = new_whatsit('late_lua', function(p, pfile, n, x, y) local code = p.data if not code then code = token.serialize(p.token) end if type(code) == 'string' then code = assert(load(code, nil, 't')) elseif not code then error[[Missing code in latelua]] end return pdf._latelua(pfile, x, y, code) end) token.luacmd("latelua", function() -- \latelua local content = scan_tokenlist() local props = {token = content} local whatsit = node.direct.new(whatsit_id, late_lua_whatsit) properties[whatsit] = props node.direct.write(whatsit) end, "protected") local functions = lua.get_functions_table() require'luametalatex-meaning' require'luametalatex-baseregisters' require'luametalatex-back-pdf' require'luametalatex-node-luaotfload' token.luacmd("Umathcodenum", function(_, scanning) if scanning then local class, family, char = tex.getmathcodes (scan_int()) return integer_code, char | (class | family << 3) << 21 else local char = scan_int() local mathcode = scan_int() tex.setmathcodes(char, (mathcode >> 21) & 7, mathcode >> 24, mathcode & 0x1FFFFF) end end, "force", "global", "value") -- This is effectivly the last line before we hand over to normal TeX. require'luametalatex-callbacks'.__freeze = nil