local sfnt = require'luametalatex-font-sfnt' local stdnames = require'luametalatex-font-ttf-data' local function round(x) local i, f = math.modf(x) if f < 0 then return i - (f<=-0.5 and 1 or 0) else return i + (f>=-0.5 and 1 or 0) end end local function addglyph(glyph, usedcids, cidtogid) -- FIXME: Pseudocode if string.unpack(">i2", glyph) < 0 then -- We have a composite glyph. -- This is an untested mess. Disaster will follow. local offset = 11 while offset do local flags, component = string.unpack(">I2I2", glyph, offset) local gid = cidtogid[component] if not gid then gid = #usedcids+1 usedcids[gid] = {component} cidtogid[component] = gid end glyph = glyph:sub(1, offset-1) .. string.pack(">I2", gid).. glyph:sub(offset+2) offset = flags&32==32 and offset + 4 + (flags&1==1 and 4 or 2) + (flags&8==8 and 2 or (flags&64==64 and 4 or (flags&128==128 and 8 or 0))) end end return glyph end local function readpostnames(buf, i, usedcids, encoding) local usednames = {} local numglyphs numglyphs, i = string.unpack(">I2", buf, i) local stroffset = 2*numglyphs + i local names = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, i) for j=#t+1,i do t[j], stroffset = string.unpack("s1", buf, stroffset) end return t[i] end}) local newusedcids = {} for j=1,#usedcids do local name = encoding[usedcids[j][1]] if name then local new = {} usednames[name], newusedcids[j] = new, new else newusedcids[j] = {j} -- FIXME: Someone used a character which does not exists in the encoding. -- This should probably at least trigger a warning. end end for j=1,numglyphs do local name name, i = string.unpack(">I2", buf, i) if name < 258 then name = stdnames[name] else name = names[name-257] end if usednames[name] then usednames[name][1] = j-1 usednames[name] = nil end end if next(usednames) then error[[Missing character]] end return newusedcids end return function(filename, fontid, reencode) local file = io.open(filename, 'rb') local buf = file:read'a' file:close() local magic, tables = sfnt.parse(buf, 1, fontid) if magic ~= "\0\1\0\0" then error[[Invalid TTF font]] end -- TODO: Parse post table and add reencoding support -- if tables.post and string.unpack(">I4", buf, tables.post[1]) == 0x00020000 and reencode then -- local encoding = require'parseEnc'(reencode) -- if encoding then -- local names = {} -- local off = tables.post[1] + 4 -- for i = 1,string.unpack(">I2", buf, tables.maxp[1] + 4) do return function(fontdir, usedcids) if reencode and string.unpack(">I4", buf, tables.post[1]) == 0x00020000 then usedcids = readpostnames(buf, tables.post[1] + 32, usedcids, require'luametalatex-font-enc'(reencode)) else usedcids = table.move(usedcids, 1, #usedcids, 1, {}) end table.insert(usedcids, 1, {0}) local newtables = {} newtables.head = buf:sub(tables.head[1], tables.head[1]+tables.head[2]-1) local bbox1, bbox2, bbox3, bbox4, scale, _ scale, _, _, bbox1, bbox2, bbox3, bbox4 = string.unpack(">I2I8I8i2i2i2i2", buf, tables.head[1]+18) scale = 1000/scale fontdir.bbox = {math.floor(bbox1*scale), math.floor(bbox2*scale), math.ceil(bbox3*scale), math.ceil(bbox4*scale)} local cidtogid = {} for i=1,#usedcids do cidtogid[usedcids[i][1]] = i end local loca, glyf, locaOff, glyfOff = {}, {}, tables.loca[1], tables.glyf[1] hmtx = nil if string.unpack(">i2", buf, tables.head[1]+50) == 0 then -- short offsets local s, i = 0, 1 while i <= #usedcids do local from, til = string.unpack(">I2I2", buf, locaOff+2*usedcids[i][1]) loca[i] = string.pack(">I2", s) s = s+til-from glyf[i] = from ~= til and addglyph(buf:sub(glyfOff+from*2, glyfOff+til*2-1), usedcids, cidtogid) or "" i = i+1 end loca[#usedcids+1] = string.pack(">I2", s) else -- long offsets local s, i = 0, 1 while i <= #usedcids do local from, til = string.unpack(">I4I4", buf, locaOff+4*usedcids[i][1]) loca[i] = string.pack(">I4", s) s = s+til-from glyf[i] = til == from and "" or addglyph(buf:sub(glyfOff+from, glyfOff+til-1), usedcids, cidtogid) i = i+1 end loca[#usedcids+1] = string.pack(">I4", s) end newtables.loca = table.concat(loca) loca = nil newtables.glyf = table.concat(glyf) local hmtx = glyf glyf = nil for i = 1,#hmtx do hmtx[i] = nil end assert(tables.hhea[2] == 36) local numhmetrics = string.unpack(">I2", buf, tables.hhea[1]+34) newtables.hhea = buf:sub(tables.hhea[1], tables.hhea[1]+33) .. string.pack(">I2", #usedcids) local off = tables.hmtx[1] local finaladv, off2 = buf:sub(off+(numhmetrics-1)*4, off+numhmetrics*4-3), off+2*numhmetrics for i=1,#usedcids do if usedcids[i][1] < numhmetrics then hmtx[i] = buf:sub(off+usedcids[i][1]*4, off+usedcids[i][1]*4+3) else hmtx[i] = finaladv .. buf:sub(off2+usedcids[i][1]*2, off2+usedcids[i][1]*2+1) end end newtables.hmtx = table.concat(hmtx) newtables.maxp = buf:sub(tables.maxp[1], tables.maxp[1]+3) .. string.pack(">I2", #usedcids) .. buf:sub(tables.maxp[1]+6, tables.maxp[1]+tables.maxp[2]-1) if tables.fpgm then newtables.fpgm = buf:sub(tables.fpgm[1], tables.fpgm[1]+tables.fpgm[2]-1) end if tables.prep then newtables.prep = buf:sub(tables.prep[1], tables.prep[1]+tables.prep[2]-1) end if tables['cvt '] then newtables['cvt '] = buf:sub(tables['cvt '][1], tables['cvt '][1]+tables['cvt '][2]-1) end return sfnt.write(magic, newtables) end end