local rawset = rawset local setdata = node.direct.setdata local nodenew = node.direct.new local getwhd = node.direct.getwhd local setwhd = node.direct.setwhd local tonode = node.direct.tonode local nodewrite = node.write -- Mapping extensions to canonical type names if necessary local imagetype_map = { -- pdf1 = 'pdf', } local imagetypes = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, k) local remapped = imagetype_map[k] local module = remapped and t[remapped] or require('luametalatex-pdf-image-' .. k) t[k] = module return module end}) -- FIXME: local function to_sp(bp) return bp*65781.76//1 end local function to_bp(sp) return sp/65781.76 end local liberal_keys = {height = true, width = true, depth = true, transform = true} local real_images = {} local function relaxed_newindex(t, k, v) if liberal_keys[k] then return rawset(t, k, v) else real_images[t][k] = v end end local function no_newindex(t, k, v) if liberal_keys[k] then return rawset(t, k, v) else error(string.format("You are not allowed to set %q in an already scanned image")) end end local function get_underlying(t, k) return assert(real_images[t])[k] end local meta = {__index = get_underlying, __newindex = relaxed_newindex} local restricted_meta = {__index = get_underlying, __newindex = no_newindex} -- transform isn't documented to be changable but it kind of fits local function new(spec) local img, real = {}, {} real_images[img] = real if spec then for k,v in next, spec do (liberal_keys[k] and img or real)[k] = v end end img.depth = img.depth or 0 return setmetatable(img, meta) end local function scan(img) local m = getmetatable(img) local real if m == restricted_meta then real = real_images[img] else if m ~= meta then img = new(img) end real = real_images[img] if real.stream then error[[stream images are not yet supported]] end assert(real.filename) -- TODO: At some point we should just take the lowercased extension local imagetype = real.filename:match'%.pdf$' and 'pdf' or real.filename:match'%.png$' and 'png' or error'Unsupported image format' real.filepath = assert(kpse.find_file(real.filename), "Image not found") real.imagetype = imagetype imagetypes[imagetype].scan(real) setmetatable(img, restricted_meta) end img.transform = img.transform or 0 -- (Re)Set dimensions if img.depth and img.height and img.width then return img end local flipped = (img.transform + real.rotation) % 2 == 1 if not (img.depth or img.height) then img.depth = 0 end if not img.width and not (img.height and img.depth) then local xsize, ysize = real.xsize, real.ysize if not real.bbox then local xres, yres = img.xres, img.yres -- TODO: \pdfvariable Parameters if xres == 0 then xres = 72 yres = xres * ((not yres or yres == 0) and 1 or yres) elseif yres == 0 then yres = 72 xres = yres * ((not xres or xres == 0) and 1 or xres) end local xscale, yscale = 4736286.72/xres, 4736286.72/yres xsize, ysize = xsize*xscale//1, ysize*yscale//1 end local total_y if flipped then img.width = ysize total_y = xsize else img.width = xsize total_y = ysize end if img.height then img.depth = total_y - img.height else img.height = total_y - img.depth end else local ratio = flipped and xsize / ysize or ysize / xsize if img.width then if img.depth then img.height = (ratio * img.width - img.depth) // 1 else img.depth = (ratio * img.width - img.height) // 1 end else img.width = ((img.height + img.depth) / ratio) // 1 end end return img end local img_by_objnum = {} -- local function img_from_objnum(objnum, img) -- img = img or {} -- real_images[img] = assert(img_by_objnum[objnum]) -- return setmetatable(img, restricted_meta) -- end -- Noop if already reserved function reserve(pfile, real) local obj = real.objnum or pfile:getobj() real.objnum = obj img_by_objnum[obj] = real return obj end local function write_img(pfile, img) local objnum = reserve(pfile, img) if not img.written then img.written = true imagetypes[img.imagetype].write(pfile, img) end end local function do_img(data, p, n, x, y) local img = assert(img_by_objnum[data >> 3], 'Invalid image ID') write_img(p.file, img) local mirror = data & 4 == 4 local rotate = (data + img.rotation) & 3 local width, height, depth = getwhd(n) height = height + depth local bbox = img.bbox local xsize, ysize = img.xsize, img.ysize local a, b, c, d, e, f = 1, 0, 0, 1 if bbox then e, f = -bbox[1], -bbox[2] else e, f = 0, 0 xsize, ysize = 65781.76, 65781.76 end if mirror then a, e = -a, -e+xsize end for i=1,rotate do a, b, c, d, e, f = -b, a, -d, c, -f+ysize, e xsize, ysize = ysize, xsize end local xscale, yscale = width / xsize, height / ysize a, c, e = a*xscale, c*xscale, e*xscale b, d, f = b*yscale, d*yscale, f*yscale e, f = to_bp(x + e), to_bp(y - depth + f) p.resources.XObject['Im' .. tostring(img.objnum)] = img.objnum pdf.write('page', string.format('q %f %f %f %f %f %f cm /Im%i Do Q', a, b, c, d, e, f, img.objnum), nil, nil, p) end local ruleid = node.id'rule' local ruletypes = node.subtypes'rule' local imagerule for n, name in next, ruletypes do if name == 'image' then imagerule = n break end end assert(imagerule) local function node(pfile, img) img = scan(img) local n = nodenew(ruleid, imagerule) -- image setdata(n, (reserve(pfile, real_images[img]) << 3) | ((img.transform or 0) & 7)) setwhd(n, img.width or -0x40000000, img.height or -0x40000000, img.depth or -0x40000000) return tonode(n) end local function write(pfile, img) img = scan(img) nodewrite(node(pfile, img)) return img end local function immediatewrite(pfile, img) img = scan(img) write_img(pfile, real_images[img]) return img end return { new = new, scan = scan, write = write, node = node, from_num = function(i) local img = {} real_images[img] = assert(img_by_objnum[i]) return setmetatable(img, restricted_meta) end, get_num = function(pfile, img) return reserve(pfile, real_images[img]) end, ship = do_img, }