local box_fallback = { BleedBox = "CropBox", TrimBox = "CropBox", ArtBox = "CropBox", CropBox = "MediaBox", } local boxmap = { media = "MediaBox", crop = "CropBox", bleed = "BleedBox", trim = "TrimBox", art = "ArtBox", } -- FIXME: local function to_sp(bp) return bp*65781.76//1 end local function to_bp(sp) return sp/65781.76 end local function get_box(page, box) box = boxmap[box] while box do local found = pdfe.getbox(page, box) if found then return {to_sp(found[1]), to_sp(found[2]), to_sp(found[3]), to_sp(found[4])} end box = box_fallback[box] end end local pdf_functions = {} local function open_pdfe(img) local file = pdfe.open(img.filepath) do local userpassword = img.userpassword local ownerpassword = img.ownerpassword if userpassword or ownerpassword then pdfe.unencrypt(file, userpassword, ownerpassword) end end local status = pdfe.getstatus(file) if status >= 0 then return file elseif status == -1 then error[[PDF image is encrypted. Please provide the decryption key.]] elseif status == -2 then error[[PDF image could not be opened.]] else assert(false) end end function pdf_functions.scan(img) local file = open_pdfe(img) img.pages = pdfe.getnofpages(file) img.page = img.page or 1 if img.page > img.pages then error[[Not enough pages in PDF image]] end local page = pdfe.getpage(file, img.page) local bbox = img.bbox or get_box(page, img.pagebox or 'crop') or {0, 0, 0, 0} img.bbox = bbox img.rotation = (360 - (page.Rotate or 0)) % 360 assert(img.rotation % 90 == 0, "Invalid /Rotate") img.rotation = img.rotation / 90 if img.rotation < 0 then img.rotation = img.rotation + 4 end img.xsize = bbox[3] - bbox[1] img.ysize = bbox[4] - bbox[2] img.xres, img.yres = nil, nil end local pdfe_deepcopy = require'luametalatex-pdfe-deepcopy' function pdf_functions.write(pfile, img) local file = open_pdfe(img) local page = pdfe.getpage(file, img.page) local bbox = img.bbox local dict = string.format("/Subtype/Form/BBox[%f %f %f %f]/Resources %s", bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[4], pdfe_deepcopy(file, img.filepath, pfile, pdfe.getfromdictionary(page, 'Resources'))) local content, raw = page.Contents -- Three cases: Contents is a stream, so copy the stream (Remember to copy filter if necessary) -- Contents is an array of streams, so append all the streams as a new stream -- Contents is missing. Then create an empty stream. local type = pdfe.type(content) if type == 'pdfe.stream' then raw = true for i=1,#content do local key, type, value, detail = pdfe.getfromstream(content, i) dict = dict .. pdfe_deepcopy(file, img.filepath, pfile, 5, key) .. ' ' .. pdfe_deepcopy(file, img.filepath, pfile, type, value, detail) end content = content(false) elseif type == 'pdfe.array' then local array = content content = '' for i=1,#array do content = content .. array[i](true) end else content = '' end local attr = img.attr if attr then dict = dict .. attr end pfile:stream(img.objnum, dict, content, nil, raw) end return pdf_functions