local format = string.format local pdfe = pdfe local l = lpeg local regularchar = 1-l.S'\0\t\n\r\f ()<>[]{}/%#' local escapednamechar = l.P(1)/function(s) return format("#%02X") end local nameescape = l.Cs(l.Cc'/' * (regularchar + escapednamechar)^0) local deepcopy_lookup deepcopy_lookup = { function(_, pdf) -- 1: null return 'null' end, function(_, pdf, b) -- 2: boolean return b == 1 and 'true' or 'false' end, function(_, pdf, i) -- 3: integer return format("%d", i) end, function(_, pdf, f) -- 4: number return format("%f", f) end, function(_, pdf, name) -- 5: name return nameescape:match(name) end, function(_, pdf, string, hex) -- 6: string return hex and format("<%s>", string) or format("(%s)", string) end, function(references, pdf, array, size) -- 7: array local a = {} for i=1,size do local type, value, detail = pdfe.getfromarray(array, i) a[i] = deepcopy_lookup[type](references, pdf, value, detail) end return '[' .. table.concat(a, ' ') .. ']' end, function(references, pdf, dict, size) -- 8: dict local a = {} for i=1,size do local key, type, value, detail = pdfe.getfromdictionary(dict, i) a[2*i-1] = nameescape:match(key) a[2*i] = deepcopy_lookup[type](references, pdf, value, detail) end return '<<' .. table.concat(a, ' ') .. '>>' end, nil, -- 9: stream (can only appear as a reference function(references, pdf, ref, num) local new = references[-num] if not new then new = pdf:getobj() references[-num] = new references[#references+1] = {ref, num} end return format("%i 0 R", new) end, } local references = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, n) local v = {} t[n] = v return v end}) return function(file, id, pdf, type, value, detail) local references = references[id] local res = deepcopy_lookup[type](references, pdf, value, detail) local i, r = 1, references[1] while r do local type, value, detail, more = pdfe.getfromreference(r[1]) if type == 9 then local a,j = {}, 0 for i=1,more do local key, type, value, detail = pdfe.getfromdictionary(detail, i) if key == 'Length' then j=2 else a[2*i-1-j] = nameescape:match(key) a[2*i-j] = deepcopy_lookup[type](references, pdf, value, detail) end end pdf:stream(references[-r[2]], table.concat(a, ' '), value(false), false, true) else pdf:indirect(references[-r[2]], deepcopy_lookup[type](references, pdf, value, detail)) end i = i+1 r = references[i] end for i=1,#references do references[i] = nil end return res end