local strip_floats = require'luametalatex-pdf-utils'.strip_floats local function ignore() end local parse = setmetatable({ -- IHDR = below, -- PLTE = below, -- IDAT = below, -- IEND = below, -- I'm not yet sure what to do about the following four color management chunks: -- These two will probably be ignored (if you care about this stuff, you probably -- prefer an ICC profile anyway. Also especially cHRM requires some weird computations.) -- cHRM = TODO, -- ignore? -- gAMA = TODO, -- ignore? -- iCCP is implemented, but profiles are not cached, so it might include the -- same profile many times -- iCCP = below, -- I would expect sRGB to be the most common, but it is a bit complicated because -- PDF seems to require us to ship an actual ICC profile to support sRGB. Maybe later. -- sRGB = TODO, sBIT = ignore, bKGD = ignore, -- Background color. Ignored since we support transparency hIST = ignore, -- Color histogram -- tRNS = below, -- pHYs = below, -- resolution information sPLT = ignore, -- Suggested palette but we support full truetype tIME = ignore, -- The following only store metadata iTXt = ignore, tEXt = ignore, zTXt = ignore, }, { __index = function(_, n) print("Table " .. n .. " unsupported") -- FIXME: Handle extensions by detecing if they are critical etc. return ignore end }) function parse.IHDR(buf, i, after, ctxt) if next(ctxt) then error[[The header should come first]] end local compression, filter ctxt.width, ctxt.height, ctxt.bitdepth, ctxt.colortype, compression, filter, ctxt.interlace, i = string.unpack(">I4I4I1I1I1I1I1", buf, i) if i ~= after then return [[Invalid header size]] end if compression ~= 0 then error [[Unsupported compression mode]] end if filter ~= 0 then error [[Unsupported filter mode]] end end function parse.PLTE(buf, i, after, ctxt) if ctxt.PLTE then error[[Multiple palettes detected]] end if (after-i)%3 ~= 0 then error[[Invalid palette lenght]] end ctxt.PLTE_len = (after-i) // 3 ctxt.PLTE = string.sub(buf, i, after-1) end function parse.tRNS(buf, i, after, ctxt) if ctxt.colortype == 3 then local count = assert(ctxt.PLTE_len) local patt = lpeg.P(1) * lpeg.Cc'\xff' for j=0,after-i-1 do local off = i+j patt = lpeg.P(string.char(j)) * lpeg.Cc(buf:sub(off, off)) + patt end ctxt.tRNS = lpeg.Cs(lpeg.Cg(patt)^0) elseif ctxt.colortype == 0 then local color color, i = string.unpack(">I2", buf, i) assert(i == after) ctxt.tRNS = string.format('%i %i', color, color) elseif ctxt.colortype == 2 then local r, g, b r, g, b, i = string.unpack(">I2I2I2", buf, i) assert(i == after) ctxt.tRNS = string.format('%i %i %i %i %i %i', r, r, g, g, b, b) end end local meterperinch = 0.0254 function parse.pHYs(buf, i, after, ctxt) local xres, yres, unit xres, yres, unit, i = string.unpack('>I4I4I1', buf, i) if unit == 0 then if xres > yres then ctxt.xres, ctxt.yres = xres/yres, 0 elseif xres < yres then ctxt.xres, ctxt.yres = 0, yres/xres end elseif unit == 1 then ctxt.xres, ctxt.yres = xres * meterperinch, yres * meterperinch else error[[Invalid unit]] end assert(i == after) end function parse.sRGB(buf, i, after, ctxt) assert(i+1 == after) ctxt.sRGB = buf:char(i) end function parse.iCCP(buf, i, after, ctxt) local j = buf:find('\0', i, true) assert(j+1I4", buf, i) assert(after == i) ctxt.gAMA = 100000/gamma end function parse.cHRM(buf, i, after, ctxt) local x_W, y_W, x_R, y_R, x_G, y_G, x_B, y_B, i = string.unpack(">I4I4I4I4I4I4I4I4", buf, i) assert(after == i) x_W, y_W, x_R, y_R, x_G, y_G, x_B, y_B = x_W/100000, y_W/100000, x_R/100000, y_R/100000, x_G/100000, y_G/100000, x_B/100000, y_B/100000 local z = y_W*((x_G-x_B)*y_R-(x_R-x_B)*y_G+(x_R-x_G)*y_B) z = 1/z local Y_A = y_R*((x_G-x_B)*y_W-(x_W-x_B)*y_G+(x_W-x_G)*y_B) * z local X_A, Z_A = Y_A*x_R/y_R, Y_A*((1-x_R)/y_R-1) local Y_B = -y_G*((x_R-x_B)*y_W-(x_W-x_B)*y_R+(x_W-x_R)*y_B) * z local X_B, Z_B = Y_B*x_G/y_G, Y_B*((1-x_G)/y_G-1) local Y_C = y_B*((x_R-x_G)*y_W-(x_W-x_G)*y_R+(x_W-x_R)*y_G) * z local X_C, Z_C = Y_C*x_B/y_B, Y_C*((1-x_B)/y_B-1) local X_W, Y_W, Z_W = X_A+X_B+X_C, Y_A+Y_B+Y_C, Z_A+Z_B+Z_C ctxt.cHRM = strip_floats(string.format("/WhitePoint[%f %f %f]/Matrix[%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f]", X_W, Y_W, Z_W, X_A, Y_A, Z_A, X_B, Y_B, Z_B, X_C, Y_C, Z_C)) end function parse.IDAT(buf, i, after, ctxt) ctxt.IDAT = ctxt.IDAT or {} table.insert(ctxt.IDAT, buf:sub(i, after-1)) end function parse.IEND(buf, i, after) if i ~= after then error[[Unexpected data in end chunk]] end end local function run(buf, i, len, limit) i = i or 1 len = i+(len or #buf) if buf:sub(i,i+7) ~= "\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A" then error[[You lied. This isn't a PNG file.]] end i = i+8 local chunks = {} while i < len do local length, tp, off = string.unpack(">I4c4", buf, i) if tp == limit then break end parse[tp](buf, off, off + length, chunks) i = off + length + 4 end return chunks, i end local function passes(buf, width, height, bitdepth, colortype) local stride = (bitdepth == 16 and 2 or 1) * (1 + (colortype&3 == 2 and 2 or 0) + (colortype&4)/4) local passes = { {(width+7)//8, (height+7)//8}, {(width+3)//8, (height+7)//8}, {(width+3)//4, (height+3)//8}, {(width+1)//4, (height+3)//4}, {(width+1)//2, (height+1)//4}, { width //2, (height+1)//2}, { width , height //2}, } local off = 1 local result for i=1,#passes do local xsize, ysize = passes[i][1], passes[i][2] if xsize ~= 0 and ysize ~= 0 then if bitdepth < 8 then xsize = (xsize * bitdepth + 7) // 8 end local after = off + (xsize+1) * stride * ysize local pass = pngdecode.applyfilter( buf:sub(off, after-1), xsize, ysize, stride) if bitdepth < 8 then pass = pngdecode.expand(pass, passes[i][1], ysize, bitdepth, xsize) end result = pngdecode.interlace(width, height, stride, i, pass, result) off = after end end assert(off == #buf+1) return result end local png_functions = {} function png_functions.scan(img) local file = io.open(img.filepath) if not file then error[[PDF image could not be opened.]] end local buf = file:read'a' file:close() local t = run(buf, 1, #buf, 'IDAT') img.pages = 1 img.page = 1 img.rotation = 0 img.xsize, img.ysize = t.width, t.height img.xres, img.yres = t.xres or 0, t.yres or 0 img.colordepth = t.bitdepth end local srgb_colorspace local intents = {[0]= '/Intent/Perceptual', '/Intent/RelativeColorimetric', '/Intent/Saturation', '/Intent/AbsoluteColorimetric', } local function srgb_lookup(pfile, intent) if not srgb_colorspace then local f = io.open(kpse.find_file'sRGB.icc.zlib') local profile = f:read'a' f:close() local objnum = pfile:stream(nil, '/Filter/FlateDecode/N ' .. tostring(colortype & 2 == 2 and '3' or '1'), t.iCCP, nil, true) srgb_colorspace = string.format('[/ICCBased %i 0 R]', objnum) end return objnum, intents[intent] or '' end local pdf_escape = require'luametalatex-pdf-escape'.escape_bytes local function rawimage(t, content) content = xzip.decompress(content) if t.interlace == 1 then content = passes(content, t.width, t.height, t.bitdepth, t.colortype) else local xsize = t.width if t.bitdepth < 8 then xsize = (xsize * t.bitdepth + 7) // 8 end local colortype = t.colortype content = pngdecode.applyfilter( content, xsize, t.height, (t.bitdepth == 16 and 2 or 1) * (1 + (colortype&3 == 2 and 2 or 0) + (colortype&4)/4)) end return content end function png_functions.write(pfile, img) local file = io.open(img.filepath) if not file then error[[PDF image could not be opened.]] end local buf = file:read'a' file:close() local t = run(buf, 1, #buf, 'IEND') local colorspace local intent = '' local colortype = t.colortype if img.colorspace then colorspace = string.format(' %i 0 R', img.colorspace) elseif t.iCCP then local icc_ref = pfile:stream(nil, '/Filter/FlateDecode/N ' .. tostring(colortype & 2 == 2 and '3' or '1'), t.iCCP, nil, true) colorspace = string.format('[/ICCBased %i 0 R]', icc_ref) elseif t.sRGB then colorspace, intent = srgb_lookup(pfile, t.sRGB) elseif colortype & 2 == 2 then -- RGB if t.cHRM then local gamma = t.gAMA or 2.2 gamma = gamma and strip_floats(string.format("/Gamma[%f %f %f]", gamma, gamma, gamma)) or '' colorspace = string.format("[/CalRGB<<%s%s>>]", t.cHRM, gamma) else if t.gAMA then texio.write_nl'Warning: (PNG) Gamma correction without chromaticity information is unsupported. Gamma value will be ignored.' end colorspace = '/DeviceRGB' end else -- Gray if t.gAMA or t.cHRM then texio.write_nl'Warning: (PNG) Gamma correction and chromaticity specifications are only supported for RGB images.' end colorspace = '/DeviceGray' end if colortype & 1 == 1 then -- Indexed colorspace = string.format('[/Indexed%s %i%s]', colorspace, t.PLTE_len-1, pdf_escape(t.PLTE)) end local colordepth = t.interlace == 1 and 8 or img.colordepth local dict = string.format("/Subtype/Image/Width %i/Height %i/BitsPerComponent %i/ColorSpace%s", img.xsize, img.ysize, colordepth, colorspace) local content = table.concat(t.IDAT) local copy -- = true if copy and (t.interlace == 1 or colortype & 4 == 4) then -- TODO: Add additional conditions copy = false end if copy then -- In this case we never have to deal with an alpha component dict = string.format( '%s/Filter/FlateDecode/DecodeParms<>', dict, colortype == 2 and 3 or 1, img.xsize, colordepth) else content = rawimage(t, content) if colortype & 4 == 4 then -- Alpha channel present local mask content, mask = pngdecode.splitmask( content, img.xsize, img.ysize, 1 + (colortype&2), colordepth//8) -- colordepth must be 8 or 16 if alpha is present local mask_dict = string.format("/Subtype/Image/Width %i/Height %i/BitsPerComponent %i/ColorSpace/DeviceGray", img.xsize, img.ysize, colordepth) local objnum = pfile:stream(nil, mask_dict, mask) dict = string.format('%s/SMask %i 0 R', dict, objnum) end end if t.tRNS then if colortype == 3 then local unpacked = copy and rawimage(t, content) or content if colordepth ~= 8 then unpacked = pngdecode.expand(unpacked, img.xsize, img.ysize, colordepth, (img.xsize*colordepth+7)//8) end unpacked = t.tRNS:match(unpacked) local mask_dict = string.format("/Subtype/Image/Width %i/Height %i/BitsPerComponent 8/ColorSpace/DeviceGray", img.xsize, img.ysize) local objnum = pfile:stream(nil, mask_dict, unpacked) dict = string.format('%s/SMask %i 0 R', dict, objnum) else dict = string.format('%s/Mask[%s]', dict, t.tRNS) end end local attr = img.attr if attr then dict = dict .. attr end pfile:stream(img.objnum, dict, content, nil, copy) end return png_functions