do ffi.cdef[[ typedef enum { kpse_gf_format, kpse_pk_format, kpse_any_glyph_format, kpse_tfm_format, kpse_afm_format, kpse_base_format, kpse_bib_format, kpse_bst_format, kpse_cnf_format, kpse_db_format, kpse_fmt_format, kpse_fontmap_format, kpse_mem_format, kpse_mf_format, kpse_mfpool_format, kpse_mft_format, kpse_mp_format, kpse_mppool_format, kpse_mpsupport_format, kpse_ocp_format, kpse_ofm_format, kpse_opl_format, kpse_otp_format, kpse_ovf_format, kpse_ovp_format, kpse_pict_format, kpse_tex_format, kpse_texdoc_format, kpse_texpool_format, kpse_texsource_format, kpse_tex_ps_header_format, kpse_troff_font_format, kpse_type1_format, kpse_vf_format, kpse_dvips_config_format, kpse_ist_format, kpse_truetype_format, kpse_type42_format, kpse_web2c_format, kpse_program_text_format, kpse_program_binary_format, kpse_miscfonts_format, kpse_web_format, kpse_cweb_format, kpse_enc_format, kpse_cmap_format, kpse_sfd_format, kpse_opentype_format, kpse_pdftex_config_format, kpse_lig_format, kpse_texmfscripts_format, kpse_lua_format, kpse_fea_format, kpse_cid_format, kpse_mlbib_format, kpse_mlbst_format, kpse_clua_format, kpse_ris_format, kpse_bltxml_format, kpse_last_format /* one past last index */ } kpse_file_format_type; typedef enum { kpse_glyph_source_normal, kpse_glyph_source_alias, kpse_glyph_source_maketex, kpse_glyph_source_fallback_res, kpse_glyph_source_fallback } kpse_glyph_source_type; typedef enum { kpse_src_implicit, kpse_src_compile, kpse_src_texmf_cnf, kpse_src_client_cnf, kpse_src_env, kpse_src_x, kpse_src_cmdline } kpse_src_type; typedef struct { const char *name; unsigned dpi; kpse_file_format_type format; kpse_glyph_source_type source; } kpse_glyph_file_type; void *kpathsea_new(void); void kpathsea_set_program_name(void*, const char*, const char*); void kpathsea_init_prog(void*, const char*, unsigned, const char *, const char *); const char *kpathsea_find_file(void*, const char *, kpse_file_format_type, int); const char *kpathsea_find_glyph(void*, const char *, unsigned, kpse_file_format_type, kpse_glyph_file_type*); const char *kpathsea_brace_expand(void*, const char *); const char *kpathsea_path_expand(void*, const char *); const char *kpathsea_var_expand(void*, const char *); const char *kpathsea_var_value(void*, const char *); void kpathsea_set_program_enabled (void *, kpse_file_format_type, int, kpse_src_type); int kpathsea_in_name_ok(void*, const char *); int kpathsea_out_name_ok(void*, const char *); void kpathsea_finish(void*); const char *kpathsea_version_string; ]] local kpse_glyph_file_type = ffi.typeof'kpse_glyph_file_type' local type_remap = { -- These are the command line/LuaTeX names gf = "kpse_gf_format", pk = "kpse_pk_format", ["bitmap font"] = "kpse_any_glyph_format", tfm = "kpse_tfm_format", afm = "kpse_afm_format", base = "kpse_base_format", bib = "kpse_bib_format", bst = "kpse_bst_format", cnf = "kpse_cnf_format", ["ls-R"] = "kpse_db_format", fmt = "kpse_fmt_format", map = "kpse_fontmap_format", mem = "kpse_mem_format", mf = "kpse_mf_format", mfpool = "kpse_mfpool_format", mft = "kpse_mft_format", mp = "kpse_mp_format", mppool = "kpse_mppool_format", ["MetaPost support"] = "kpse_mpsupport_format", ocp = "kpse_ocp_format", ofm = "kpse_ofm_format", opl = "kpse_opl_format", otp = "kpse_otp_format", ovf = "kpse_ovf_format", ovp = "kpse_ovp_format", ["graphic/figure"] = "kpse_pict_format", tex = "kpse_tex_format", ["TeX system documentation"] = "kpse_texdoc_format", texpool = "kpse_texpool_format", ["TeX system sources"] = "kpse_texsource_format", ["PostScript header"] = "kpse_tex_ps_header_format", ["Troff fonts"] = "kpse_troff_font_format", ["type1 fonts"] = "kpse_type1_format", vf = "kpse_vf_format", ["dvips config"] = "kpse_dvips_config_format", ist = "kpse_ist_format", ["truetype fonts"] = "kpse_truetype_format", ["type42 fonts"] = "kpse_type42_format", ["web2c files"] = "kpse_web2c_format", ["other text files"] = "kpse_program_text_format", ["other binary files"] = "kpse_program_binary_format", ["mics fonts"] = "kpse_miscfonts_format", web = "kpse_web_format", cweb = "kpse_cweb_format", ["enc files"] = "kpse_enc_format", ["cmap files"] = "kpse_cmap_format", ["subfont definition files"] = "kpse_sfd_format", ["opentype fonts"] = "kpse_opentype_format", ["pdftex config"] = "kpse_pdftex_config_format", ["lig files"] = "kpse_lig_format", texmfscripts = "kpse_texmfscripts_format", lua = "kpse_lua_format", ["font feature files"] = "kpse_fea_format", ["cid maps"] = "kpse_cid_format", mlbib = "kpse_mlbib_format", mlbst = "kpse_mlbst_format", clua = "kpse_clua_format", ris = "kpse_ris_format", bltxml = "kpse_bltxml_format", -- Some additional aliases to make naming more consistant any_glyph = "kpse_any_glyph_format", db = "kpse_db_format", fontmap = "kpse_fontmap_format", mpsupport = "kpse_mpsupport_format", pict = "kpse_pict_format", texdoc = "kpse_texdoc_format", texsource = "kpse_texsource_format", tex_ps_header = "kpse_tex_ps_header_format", troff_font = "kpse_troff_font_format", type1 = "kpse_type1_format", dvips_config = "kpse_dvips_config_format", truetype = "kpse_truetype_format", type42 = "kpse_type42_format", web2c = "kpse_web2c_format", program_text = "kpse_program_text_format", program_binary = "kpse_program_binary_format", miscfonts = "kpse_miscfonts_format", enc = "kpse_enc_format", cmap = "kpse_cmap_format", sfd = "kpse_sfd_format", opentype = "kpse_opentype_format", pdftex_config = "kpse_pdftex_config_format", lig = "kpse_lig_format", fea = "kpse_fea_format", cid = "kpse_cid_format", -- And some other aliases eps = "kpse_pict_format", pfb = "kpse_type1_format", ttc = "kpse_truetype_format", ttf = "kpse_truetype_format", otf = "kpse_opentype_format", text = "kpse_program_text_format", binary = "kpse_program_binary_format", } local kpselib = ffi.load("kpathsea") local realarg0 if arg[1]:sub(1,7) == "--arg0=" then realarg0 = arg[1]:sub(8) else local i = 0 while arg[i] do realarg0 = arg[i] i = i-1 end end local file_format = ffi.typeof'kpse_file_format_type' local NULL ="const char*", nil) local function get_string(s) return s ~= NULL and ffi.string(s) end local function set_program_name (t, arg0, progname) kpselib.kpathsea_set_program_name(t.cdata, arg0 or realarg0, progname) return t end local methods = { init_prog = function(t, prefix, dpi, mode, fallback) kpselib.kpathsea_init_prog(t.cdata, prefix, dpi, mode, fallback) end, find_file = function(t, name, ...) local ftype, must_exist = "kpse_tex_format", 0 for i=select('#', ...),1,-1 do local arg = select(i, ...) local argtype = type(arg) if argtype == "string" then ftype = arg elseif argtype == "number" then must_exist = arg elseif argtype == "boolean" then must_exist = arg and 1 or 0 end end ftype = type_remap[ftype] or ftype if ftype == "kpse_gf_format" or ftype == "kpse_pk_format" or ftype == "kpse_any_glyph_format" then local glyph_file = kpse_glyph_file_type() local res = kpselib.kpathsea_find_glyph(t.cdata, name, must_exist, ftype, glyph_file) if res ~= NULL then return ffi.string(res), ffi.string(, glyph_file.dpi, glyph_file.format, glyph_file.source end else return get_string(kpselib.kpathsea_find_file(t.cdata, name, ftype, must_exist > 0 and 1 or 0)) end end, -- show_path = function(t, ftype) -- error [[Not yet implemented]] -- end, expand_braces = function(t, path) return get_string(kpselib.kpathsea_brace_expand(t.cdata, path)) end, expand_path = function(t, path) return get_string(kpselib.kpathsea_path_expand(t.cdata, path)) end, expand_var = function(t, var) return get_string(kpselib.kpathsea_var_expand(t.cdata, var)) end, var_value = function(t, var) return get_string(kpselib.kpathsea_var_value(t.cdata, var)) end, set_maketex = function(t, ftype, value, src) ftype = type_remap[ftype] or ftype kpselib.kpathsea_set_program_enabled(t.cdata, ftype, value and 1 or 0, src or "kpse_src_cmdline") end, finish = function(t) if t.cdata then kpselib.kpathsea_finish(t.cdata) end end, } local meta = { __index = methods, __gc = methods.finish, } local global_kpse = setmetatable({cdata = kpselib.kpathsea_new()}, meta) kpse = { set_program_name = function(...) set_program_name(global_kpse, ...) end, set_maketex = function(...) return global_kpse:set_maketex(...) end, init_prog = function(...) return global_kpse:init_prog(...) end, new = function(...) return set_program_name(setmetatable({cdata = kpselib.kpathsea_new()}, meta), ...) end, expand_braces = function(...) return global_kpse:expand_braces(...) end, expand_path = function(...) return global_kpse:expand_path(...) end, expand_var = function(...) return global_kpse:expand_var(...) end, var_value = function(...) return global_kpse:var_value(...) end, find_file = function(...) return global_kpse:find_file(...) end, version = function() return ffi.string(kpselib.kpathsea_version_string) end, } end -- -- unicode = {utf8 = utf8} -- utf8.byte = utf8.codepoint do local progname for _, a in ipairs(arg) do if a:sub(1,11) == "--progname=" then progname = a:sub(12) end end kpse.set_program_name(nil, progname) end package.searchers[2] = function(modname) local filename = kpse.find_file(modname, "kpse_lua_format", true) if not filename then return string.format("\n\tno file located through kpse for %s", modname) end local mod, msg = loadfile(filename) if msg then error(string.format("error loading module '%s' from file '%s':\n\t%s", modname, filename, msg)) end return mod, filename end kpse.set_maketex("kpse_fmt_format", true) bit32 = require'luametalatex-bit32' kpse.init_prog("LUATEX", 400, "nexthi", nil) status.init_kpse = 1 status.safer_option = 0 local read_tfm = require'luametalatex-font-tfm' read_vf = require'luametalatex-font-vf' font.read_tfm = read_tfm font.read_vf = read_vf local reserved_ids = -1 font.fonts = {} function font.getfont(id) return font.fonts[id] end pdf = { getfontname = function(id) -- No font sharing return id end, } callback.register('define_font', function(name, size) if status.ini_version then reserved_ids = font.nextid()-1 lua.prepared_code[#lua.prepared_code+1] = string.format("font.define(%i, font.read_tfm(%q, %i))", reserved_ids, name, size) end local f = read_tfm(name, size) font.fonts[font.nextid()-1] = f return f end) local olddefinefont = font.define function font.define(i, f) if not f then f = i i = font.nextid(true) end font.fonts[i] = f return olddefinefont(i, f) end -- do -- local register = callback.register -- function callback.register(...) -- print('callback.register', ...) -- return register(...) -- end -- end callback.register('find_log_file', function(name) return name end) callback.register('find_data_file', function(name) return kpse.find_file(name, 'kpse_tex_format', true) end) callback.register('find_format_file', function(name) return kpse.find_file(name, 'kpse_fmt_format', true) end) callback.register('show_warning_message', function() texio.write_nl('WARNING Tag: ' .. status.lastwarningtag) texio.write_nl(status.lastwarningstring) end) callback.register('show_error_message', function() if status.lasterrorcontext then texio.write_nl('ERROR Context: ' .. status.lasterrorcontext) end texio.write_nl(status.lasterrorstring) end) callback.register('pre_dump', function() -- for k,v in pairs(callback.list()) do print('CB', k,v) end lua.bytecode[1], msg = load("do local id " .. "repeat id = font.nextid(true) " .. "until id == " .. reserved_ids .. " end " .. table.concat(lua.prepared_code, ' ')) end) if status.ini_version then lua.prepared_code = {} local code = package.searchers[2]('luametalatex-firstcode') if type(code) == "string" then error(string.format("Initialization code not found %s", code)) end lua.bytecode[2] = code end