local format = string.format local concat = table.concat local write = texio.write_nl local properties = node.get_properties_table() local function doublekeyed(t, id2name, name2id, index) return setmetatable(t, { __index = index, __newindex = function(t, k, v) rawset(t, k, v) if type(k) == 'string' then rawset(t, name2id(k), v) else rawset(t, id2name(k), v) end end, }) end local nodehandler = (function() local function unknown_handler(_, n, x, y) write(format("Sorry, but the PDF backend does not support %q (id = %i) nodes right now. The supplied node will be dropped at coordinates (%i, %i).", node.type(n.id), n.id, x, y)) end return doublekeyed({}, node.type, node.id, function() return unknown_handler end) end)() local whatsithandler = (function() local whatsits = node.whatsits() local function unknown_handler(p, n, x, y, ...) local prop = properties[n] if prop and prop.handle then prop:handle(p, n, x, y, ...) else write(format("Sorry, but the PDF backend does not support %q (id = %i) whatsits right now. The supplied node will be dropped at coordinates (%i, %i).", whatsits[n.subtype], n.subtype, x, y)) end end return doublekeyed({}, function(n)return whatsits[n]end, function(n)return whatsits[n]end, function() return unknown_handler end) end)() local glyph, text, page, cm_pending = 1, 2, 3, 4 local gsub = string.gsub local function projected_point(m, x, y, w) w = w or 1 return x*m[1] + y*m[3] + w*m[5], x*m[2] + y*m[4] + w*m[6] end local function pdfsave(p, x, y) local lastmatrix = p.matrix p.matrix = {[0] = lastmatrix, table.unpack(lastmatrix)} end local function pdfmatrix(p, a, b, c, d, e, f) local m = p.matrix a, b = projected_point(m, a, b, 0) c, d = projected_point(m, c, d, 0) e, f = projected_point(m, e, f, 1) m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5], m[6] = a, b, c, d, e, f end local function pdfrestore(p, x, y) -- TODO: Check x, y p.matrix = p.matrix[0] end local function sp2bp(sp) return sp/65781.76 end local topage local function totext(p, fid) local last = p.mode if last == glyph then p.pending[#p.pending+1] = ")]TJ" p.strings[#p.strings+1] = concat(p.pending) for i=1,#p.pending do p.pending[i] = nil end last = text end if last == cm_pending then topage(p) end p.mode = text if last == text and p.font.fid == fid then return end local f = font.getfont(fid) or font.fonts[fid] if last ~= text then p.strings[#p.strings+1] = "BT" p.pos.lx, p.pos.ly, p.pos.x, p.pos.y, p.font.exfactor = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 end p:fontprovider(f, fid) -- p.strings[#p.strings+1] = format("/F%i %f Tf 0 Tr", f.parent, sp2bp(f.size)) -- TODO: Setting the mode, expansion, etc. p.font.fid = fid p.font.font = f return false -- Return true if we need a new textmatrix end local inspect = require'inspect' local function show(t) print(inspect(t)) end local function topage(p) local last = p.mode if last == page then return end if last <= text then totext(p, p.font.fid) -- First make sure we are really in text mode p.strings[#p.strings+1] = "ET" elseif last == cm_pending then local pending = p.pending_matrix if pending[1] ~= 1 or pending[2] ~= 0 or pending[3] ~= 0 or pending[4] ~= 1 or pending[5] ~= 0 or pending[6] ~= 0 then p.strings[#p.strings+1] = format("%f %f %f %f %f %f cm", pending[1], pending[2], pending[3], pending[4], sp2bp(pending[5]), sp2bp(pending[6])) end else error[[Unknown mode]] end p.mode = page end local function toglyph(p, fid, x, y, exfactor) local last = p.mode if last == glyph and p.font.fid == fid and p.pos.y == y and p.font.exfactor == exfactor then if x == p.pos.x then return end local xoffset = (x - p.pos.x)/p.font.font.size * 1000 / (1+exfactor/1000000) if math.abs(xoffset) < 1000000 then -- 1000000 is arbitrary p.pending[#p.pending+1] = format(")%i(", math.floor(-xoffset)) p.pos.x = x return end end if totext(p, fid) or exfactor ~= p.font.exfactor then p.font.exfactor = exfactor p.strings[#p.strings+1] = gsub(format("%f 0.0 %f %f %f %f Tm", 1+exfactor/1000000, 0, 1, sp2bp(x), sp2bp(y)), '%.?0+ ', ' ') else p.strings[#p.strings+1] = gsub(format("%f %f Td", sp2bp((x - p.pos.lx)/(1+exfactor/1000000)), sp2bp(y - p.pos.ly)), '%.?0+ ', ' ') end p.pos.lx, p.pos.ly, p.pos.x, p.pos.y = x, y, x, y p.mode = glyph p.pending[1] = "[(" end local function write_matrix(p, a, b, c, d, e, f) local pending = p.pending_matrix if p.mode ~= cm_pending then topage(p) p.mode = cm_pending pending[1], pending[2], pending[3], pending[4], pending[5], pending[6] = a, b, c, d, e, f return else a, b = projected_point(pending, a, b, 0) c, d = projected_point(pending, c, d, 0) e, f = projected_point(pending, e, f, 1) pending[1], pending[2], pending[3], pending[4], pending[5], pending[6] = a, b, c, d, e, f return end end local linkcontext = {} -- local function get_action_attr(p, action) -- if action.action_type == 3 then -- return action.data -- elseif action.action_type == 2 then local function write_link(p, link) local quads = link.quads local minX, maxX, minY, maxY = math.huge, -math.huge, math.huge, -math.huge assert(link.action.action_type == 3) -- TODO: Other types local attr = link.attr .. link.action.data assert(#quads%8==0) local quadStr = {} for i=1,#quads,8 do local x1, y1, x4, y4, x2, y2, x3, y3 = table.unpack(quads, i, i+7) x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 = sp2bp(x1), sp2bp(y1), sp2bp(x2), sp2bp(y2), sp2bp(x3), sp2bp(y3), sp2bp(x4), sp2bp(y4) quadStr[i//8+1] = string.format("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) minX = math.min(minX, x1, x2, x3, x4) minY = math.min(minY, y1, y2, y3, y4) maxX = math.max(maxX, x1, x2, x3, x4) maxY = math.max(maxY, y1, y2, y3, y4) end p.file:indirect(link.objnum, string.format("<>", minX-.2, minY-.2, maxX+.2, maxY+.2, table.concat(quadStr, ' '), attr)) for i=1,#quads do quads[i] = nil end link.objnum = nil end local function addlinkpoint(p, link, x, y, list, final) local quads = link.quads print'addlink' if link.annots and link.annots ~= p.annots then -- We started on another page, let's finish that before starting the new page write_link(p, link) link.annots = nil end if not link.annots then link.annots = p.annots -- Just a marker to indicate the page link.objnum = link.objnum or p.file:getobj() p.annots[#p.annots+1] = link.objnum .. " 0 R" end local m = p.matrix local lx, ly = projected_point(m, x, y-(link.depth or list.depth)) local ux, uy = projected_point(m, x, y+(link.height or list.height)) local n = #quads quads[n+1], quads[n+2], quads[n+3], quads[n+4] = lx, ly, ux, uy if final or (link.force_separate and (n+4)%8 == 0) then print(final, n, link.force_separate) write_link(p, link) link.annots = nil end end function nodehandler.hlist(p, list, x0, y, outerlist, origin, level) if outerlist then if outerlist.id == 0 then y = y - list.shift else x0 = x0 + list.shift end end local x = x0 for _,l in ipairs(p.linkcontext) do if l.level == level+1 then addlinkpoint(p, l, x, y, list) end end for n in node.traverse(list.head) do local next = n.next local w = next and node.rangedimensions(list, n, next) or node.rangedimensions(list, n) nodehandler[n.id](p, n, x, y, list, x0, level+1) x = w + x end for _,l in ipairs(p.linkcontext) do if l.level == level+1 then addlinkpoint(p, l, x, y, list) end end end function nodehandler.vlist(p, list, x, y0, outerlist, origin, level) if outerlist then if outerlist.id == 0 then y0 = y0 - list.shift else x = x + list.shift end end y0 = y0 + list.height local y = y0 for n in node.traverse(list.head) do local d, h, _ = 0, node.effective_glue(n, list) or math.tointeger(n.kern) if not h then _, h, d = node.direct.getwhd(node.direct.todirect(n)) end y = y - (h or 0) nodehandler[n.id](p, n, x, y, list, y0, level+1) y = y - (d or 0) end end function nodehandler.rule(p, n, x, y, outer) if n.width == -1073741824 then n.width = outer.width end if n.height == -1073741824 then n.height = outer.height end if n.depth == -1073741824 then n.depth = outer.depth end local sub = n.subtype if sub == 1 then error[[We can't handle boxes yet]] elseif sub == 2 then error[[We can't handle images yet]] elseif sub == 3 then elseif sub == 4 then error[[We can't handle user rules yet]] elseif sub == 9 then error[[We can't handle outline rules yet]] else if n.width <= 0 or n.depth + n.height <= 0 then return end topage(p) p.strings[#p.strings+1] = gsub(format("%f %f %f %f re f", sp2bp(x), sp2bp(y - n.depth), sp2bp(n.width), sp2bp(n.depth + n.height)), '%.?0+ ', ' ') end end function nodehandler.boundary() end function nodehandler.disc(p, n, x, y, list, ...) -- FIXME: I am not sure why this can happen, let's assume we can use .replace for n in node.traverse(n.replace) do local next = n.next local w = next and node.rangedimensions(list, n, next) or node.rangedimensions(list, n) nodehandler[n.id](p, n, x, y, list, ...) x = w + x end end function nodehandler.local_par() end function nodehandler.math() end function nodehandler.glue(p, n, x, y, outer, origin, level) -- Naturally this is an interesting one. local subtype = n.subtype if subtype < 100 then return end -- We only really care about leaders local leader = n.leader local w = node.effective_glue(n, outer) if leader.id == 2 then -- We got a rule, this should be easy if outer.id == 0 then leader.width = w else leader.height = w leader.depth = 0 end return nodehandler.rule(p, leader, x, y, outer) end local lwidth = outer.id == 0 and leader.width or leader.height + leader.depth if outer.id ~= 0 then y = y + w end if subtype == 100 then if outer.id == 0 then local newx = ((x-origin - 1)//lwidth + 1) * lwidth + origin -- local newx = -(origin-x)//lwidth * lwidth + origin w = w + x - newx x = newx else -- local newy = -(origin-y)//lwidth * lwidth + origin local newy = (y-origin)//lwidth * lwidth + origin w = w + newy - y y = newy end elseif subtype == 101 then local inner = w - (w // lwidth) * lwidth if outer.id == 0 then x = x + inner/2 else y = y - inner/2 end elseif subtype == 102 then local count = w // lwidth local skip = (w - count * lwidth) / (count + 1) if outer.id == 0 then x = x + skip else y = y - skip end lwidth = lwidth + skip elseif subtype == 103 then if outer.id == 0 then local newx = ((x - 1)//lwidth + 1) * lwidth w = w + x - newx x = newx else local newy = y//lwidth * lwidth w = w + newy - y y = newy end end local handler = nodehandler[leader.id] if outer.id == 0 then while w >= lwidth do handler(p, leader, x, y, outer, origin, level+1) w = w - lwidth x = x + lwidth end else y = y - leader.height while w >= lwidth do handler(p, leader, x, y, outer, origin, level+1) w = w - lwidth y = y - lwidth end end end function nodehandler.kern() end function nodehandler.penalty() end local literalescape = lpeg.Cs((lpeg.S'\\()\r'/{['\\'] = '\\\\', ['('] = '\\(', [')'] = '\\)', ['\r'] = '\\r'}+1)^0) local match = lpeg.match local function do_commands(p, c, f, fid, x, y, outer, ...) local fonts = f.fonts local stack, current_font = {}, fonts[1] for _, cmd in ipairs(c.commands) do if cmd[1] == "node" then local cmd = cmd[2] nodehandler[cmd.id](p, cmd, x, y, nil, ...) x = x + cmd.width elseif cmd[1] == "font" then current_font = fonts[cmd[2]] elseif cmd[1] == "char" then local n = node.new'glyph' n.subtype, n.font, n.char = 256, current_font.id, cmd[2] nodehandler.glyph(p, n, x, y, outer, ...) node.free(n) x = x + n.width elseif cmd[1] == "slot" then local n = node.new'glyph' n.subtype, n.font, n.char = 256, cmd[2], cmd[3] nodehandler.glyph(p, n, x, y, outer, ...) node.free(n) x = x + n.width elseif cmd[1] == "rule" then local n = node.new'rule' n.height, n.width = cmd[2], cmd[3] nodehandler.rule(p, n, x, y, outer, ...) node.free(n) x = x + n.width elseif cmd[1] == "left" then x = x + cmd[2] elseif cmd[1] == "down" then y = y + cmd[2] elseif cmd[1] == "push" then stack[#stack + 1] = {x, y} elseif cmd[1] == "pop" then local top = stack[#stack] stack[#stack] = nil x, y = top[1], top[2] elseif cmd[1] == "special" then -- ??? elseif cmd[1] == "pdf" then -- ??? elseif cmd[1] == "lua" then cmd = cmd[2] if type(cmd) == "string" then cmd = load(cmd) end assert(type(cmd) == "function") elseif cmd[1] == "image" then -- ??? -- else -- NOP, comment and invalid commands ignored end if #commands ~= 1 then error[[Unsupported command number]] end if commands[1][1] ~= "node" then error[[Unsupported command name]] end commands = commands[1][2] nodehandler[commands.id](p, commands, x, y, nil, ...) end end function nodehandler.glyph(p, n, x, y, ...) if n.font ~= p.vfont.fid then p.vfont.fid = n.font p.vfont.font = font.getfont(n.font) or font.fonts[n.font] end local f, fid = p.vfont.font, p.vfont.fid local c = f.characters[n.char] if not c then error[[Invalid characters]] end if c.commands then return do_commands(p, c, f, fid, x, y, ...) end toglyph(p, n.font, x + n.xoffset, y + n.yoffset, n.expansion_factor) local index = c.index if index then -- if f.encodingbytes == -3 then if true then if index < 0x80 then p.pending[#p.pending+1] = match(literalescape, string.pack('>B', index)) elseif index < 0x7F80 then p.pending[#p.pending+1] = match(literalescape, string.pack('>H', index+0x7F80)) else p.pending[#p.pending+1] = match(literalescape, string.pack('>BH', 0xFF, index-0x7F80)) end else p.pending[#p.pending+1] = match(literalescape, string.pack('>H', index)) end if not p.usedglyphs[index] then p.usedglyphs[index] = {index, math.floor(c.width * 1000 / f.size + .5), c.tounicode} end else p.pending[#p.pending+1] = match(literalescape, string.char(n.char)) if not p.usedglyphs[n.char] then p.usedglyphs[n.char] = {n.char, math.floor(c.width * 1000 / f.size + .5), c.tounicode} end end p.pos.x = p.pos.x + math.floor(n.width*(1+n.expansion_factor/1000000)+.5) end function nodehandler.whatsit(p, n, ...) -- Whatsit? return whatsithandler[n.subtype](p, n, ...) end function whatsithandler.pdf_literal(p, n, x, y) if n.mode == 2 then topage(p) p.strings[#p.strings + 1] = n.data elseif n.mode == 0 then write_matrix(p, 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y) topage(p) p.strings[#p.strings + 1] = n.data write_matrix(p, 1, 0, 0, 1, -x, -y) else write(format('Literal type %i', n.mode)) end end function whatsithandler.pdf_save(p, n, x, y, outer) topage(p) p.strings[#p.strings + 1] = 'q' pdfsave(p, x, y) end function whatsithandler.pdf_restore(p, n, x, y, outer) topage(p) p.strings[#p.strings + 1] = 'Q' pdfrestore(p, x, y) end local numberpattern = (lpeg.R'09'^0 * ('.' * lpeg.R'09'^0)^-1)/tonumber local matrixpattern = numberpattern * ' ' * numberpattern * ' ' * numberpattern * ' ' * numberpattern function whatsithandler.pdf_setmatrix(p, n, x, y, outer) local a, b, c, d = matrixpattern:match(n.data) local e, f = (1-a)*x-c*y, (1-d)*y-b*x write_matrix(p, a, b, c, d, e, f) end function whatsithandler.pdf_start_link(p, n, x, y, outer, _, level) local links = p.linkcontext local link = {quads = {}, attr = n.link_attr, action = n.action, level = level, force_separate = false} -- force_separate should become an option links[#links+1] = link addlinkpoint(p, link, x, y, outer) end function whatsithandler.pdf_end_link(p, n, x, y, outer, _, level) local links = p.linkcontext local link = links[#links] links[#links] = nil if link.level ~= level then error[[Wrong link level]] end addlinkpoint(p, link, x, y, outer, true) end local ondemandmeta = { __index = function(t, k) t[k] = {} return t[k] end } local function writeresources(p) local resources = p.resources local result = {"<<"} for kind, t in pairs(resources) do if next(t) then result[#result+1] = format("/%s<<", kind) for name, value in pairs(t) do result[#result+1] = format("/%s %i 0 R", name, value) t[name] = nil end result[#result+1] = ">>" end end result[#result+1] = ">>" return concat(result) end local fontnames = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, k) local res = format("F%i", k) t[k] = res return res end}) return function(file, n, fontdirs, usedglyphs) setmetatable(usedglyphs, ondemandmeta) local linkcontext = file.linkcontext if not linkcontext then linkcontext = {} file.linkcontext = linkcontext end local p = { file = file, mode = 3, strings = {}, pending = {}, pos = {}, fontprovider = function(p, f, fid) if not f.parent then f.parent = pdf.getfontname(fid) end p.resources.Font[fontnames[f.parent]] = fontdirs[f.parent] p.strings[#p.strings+1] = format("/F%i %f Tf 0 Tr", f.parent, sp2bp(f.size)) -- TODO: Setting the mode, expansion, etc. p.usedglyphs = usedglyphs[f.parent] end, font = {}, vfont = {}, matrix = {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, pending_matrix = {}, resources = setmetatable({}, ondemandmeta), annots = {}, linkcontext = file.linkcontext, } nodehandler[n.id](p, n, 0, 0, n, nil, 0) -- nodehandler[n.id](p, n, 0, n.depth, n) topage(p) return concat(p.strings, '\n'), writeresources(p), (p.annots[1] and string.format("/Annots[%s]", table.concat(p.annots, ' ')) or "") end