do local ourpath = arg[0]:match('^%-%-lua=(.*[/\\])[^/\\]*%.lua$') kpse = assert(package.loadlib(ourpath .. '', 'luaopen_kpse'))() end do local arg0, progname for _, a in ipairs(arg) do if a:sub(1,11) == "--progname=" then progname = a:sub(12) elseif a:sub(1,7) == "--arg0=" then arg0 = a:sub(8) end end kpse.set_program_name(arg0, progname) end package.searchers[2] = function(modname) local filename = kpse.find_file(modname, "lua", true) if not filename then return string.format("\n\tno file located through kpse for %s", modname) end local mod, msg = loadfile(filename) if msg then error(string.format("error loading module '%s' from file '%s':\n\t%s", modname, filename, msg)) end return mod, filename end -- kpse.set_maketex("kpse_fmt_format", true) bit32 = require'luametalatex-bit32' kpse.init_prog("LUATEX", 400, "nexthi", nil) status.init_kpse = 1 require'luametalatex-init-config' status.safer_option = 0 status.shell_escape = 0 local read_tfm = require'luametalatex-font-tfm' local read_vf = require'luametalatex-font-vf' font.read_tfm = read_tfm font.read_vf = read_vf local callback_register = callback.register require'module' font.fonts = {} function font.getfont(id) return font.fonts[id] end pdf = { getfontname = function(id) -- No font sharing return id end, variable = {}, } local olddefinefont = font.define function font.define(f) local i = olddefinefont(f) font.fonts[i] = f return i end callback_register('define_font', function(name, size) local f = read_tfm(name, size) local id = font.define(f) if status.ini_version then lua.prepared_code[#lua.prepared_code+1] = string.format("assert(%i == font.define(font.read_tfm(%q, %i)))", id, name, size) end return id end) callback_register('find_log_file', function(name) return name end) do local function normal_find_data_file(name) return kpse.find_file(name, 'tex', true) end if status.ini_version then function unhook_expl() callback_register('find_data_file', normal_find_data_file) end callback_register('find_data_file', function(name) if name == 'ltexpl.ltx' then name = 'luametalatex-ltexpl-hook' end return normal_find_data_file(name) end) else callback_register('find_data_file', normal_find_data_file) end end callback_register('read_data_file', function(name) error[[TODO]]return kpse.find_file(name, 'tex', true) end) callback_register('open_data_file', function(name) local f = return setmetatable({ reader = function() local line = f:read() return line end, close = function()error[[1]] return f:close() end, }, { __gc = function()f:close()end, }) end) callback_register('find_format_file', function(name) return kpse.find_file(name, 'fmt', true) end) callback_register('handle_error_hook', function() repeat texio.write_nl'? ' local line = if not line then tex.fatalerror'End of line encountered on terminal' end if line == "" then return 3 end local first = line:sub(1,1):upper() if first == 'H' then texio.write(tex.gethelptext()) elseif first == 'I' then line = line:sub(2) tex.runtoks(function() tex.sprint(token.scan_token(), line) end) return 3 elseif first == 'Q' then texio.write'OK, entering \\batchmode...\n' return 0 elseif first == 'R' then texio.write'OK, entering \\nonstopmode...\n' return 1 elseif first == 'S' then texio.write'OK, entering \\scrollmode...\n' return 2 elseif first == 'X' then return -1 else texio.write'Type to proceed, S to scroll future error messages,\ \z R to run without stopping, Q to run quietly,\ \z I to insert something,\ \z H for help, X to quit.' end until false return 3 end) callback_register('pre_dump', function() lua.prepared_code[1] = string.format("fixupluafunctions(%i)", fixupluafunctions()) for i=0,0 do -- maybeFIXME: In practise only one language is preloaded in LuaTeX anyway -- for i=0,tex.count[19] do -- Sometimes catches reserved language ids which are not used yet -- for i=0, do -- is always 0 in luametatex?!? local l = local str = string.format("do \z local l =\z l:hyphenationmin(%i)\z l:prehyphenchar(%i)\z l:posthyphenchar(%i)\z l:preexhyphenchar(%i)\z l:postexhyphenchar(%i)", i, l:hyphenationmin(), l:prehyphenchar(), l:posthyphenchar(), l:preexhyphenchar(), l:postexhyphenchar()) local patterns = l:patterns() local exceptions = l:hyphenation() if patterns and exceptions then str = string.format("%sl:patterns(%q)l:hyphenation(%q)end", str, patterns, exceptions) elseif patterns then str = string.format("%sl:patterns(%q)end", str, patterns) elseif exceptions then str = string.format("%sl:hyphenation(%q)end", str, exceptions) else str = str .. 'end' end lua.prepared_code[#lua.prepared_code+1] = str end lua.bytecode[1] = assert(load(table.concat(lua.prepared_code, ' '))) end) function texconfig.init() lua.bytecode[2]() if not status.ini_version then lua.bytecode[2] = nil end end if status.ini_version then lua.prepared_code = {false} local code = package.searchers[2]('luametalatex-firstcode') if type(code) == "string" then error(string.format("Initialization code not found %s", code)) end lua.bytecode[2] = code end