local format = os.selfname -- or os.selfcore, I couldn't find a difference yet local ourname = arg[0] -- This might not be os.selfarg[0] -- We want to drop arg[0] aka. ourname from the arguments to avoid recursion if os.selfarg[0] == ourname then ourname = nil end for i, a in ipairs(os.selfarg) do if a == ourname then -- Avoid recursion table.remove(os.selfarg, i) ourname = nil a = os.selfarg[i] end if a == "--" then break end -- This convention is not respected by luametatex itself -- LuaMetaTeX needs -- to introduce parameters, -- but fmtutil uses just -. Let's rewrite this on the fly: a = a:gsub("^%-%-?", "--") os.selfarg[i] = a if a:sub(1, 11) == "--progname=" then format = a:sub(12) end end os.setenv("engine", status.luatex_engine) local kpse_call = io.popen(string.format("kpsewhich -progname %s -format lua -all -must-exist %s-init.lua", format, format)) local file repeat file = kpse_call:read() until not file:match('^%.') if not kpse_call:close() then error(file) end local args = os.selfarg[1] and " \"" .. table.concat(os.selfarg, "\" \"") .. "\"" or "" os.exit(os.execute(string.format("luametatex \"--lua=%s\" --arg0=\"%s\"%s", file, os.selfarg[0], args)))