Apply matrix for destinations

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Marcel Krüger 2020-06-24 02:47:02 +02:00
parent 2ae166ce65
commit c9fb95eff3
1 changed files with 13 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -313,12 +313,12 @@ local function do_restore(prop, p, n, x, y, outer)
p.matrix = p.matrix[0]
local function do_dest(prop, p, n, x, y)
-- TODO: Apply matrix
assert(cur_page, "Destinations can not appear outside of a page")
local id = prop.dest_id
local dest_type = prop.dest_type
local data
if dest_type == "xyz" then
local x, y = projected(p.matrix, x, y)
local zoom = prop.xyz_zoom
if zoom then
data = string.format("[%i 0 R/XYZ %.5f %.5f %.3f]", cur_page, sp2bp(x), sp2bp(y), prop.zoom/1000)
@ -326,18 +326,29 @@ local function do_dest(prop, p, n, x, y)
data = string.format("[%i 0 R/XYZ %.5f %.5f null]", cur_page, sp2bp(x), sp2bp(y))
elseif dest_type == "fitr" then
data = string.format("[%i 0 R/FitR %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f]", cur_page, sp2bp(x), sp2bp(y + prop.depth), sp2bp(x + prop.width), sp2bp(y - prop.height))
local m = p.matrix
local llx, lly = projected(x, x - prop.depth)
local lrx, lry = projected(x+prop.width, x - prop.depth)
local ulx, uly = projected(x, x + prop.height)
local urx, ury = projected(x+prop.width, x + prop.height)
local left, lower, right, upper = math.min(llx, lrx, ulx, urx), math.min(lly, lry, uly, ury),
math.max(llx, lrx, ulx, urx), math.max(lly, lry, uly, ury)
data = string.format("[%i 0 R/FitR %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f]", cur_page, sp2bp(left), sp2bp(lower), sp2bp(right), sp2bp(upper))
elseif dest_type == "fit" then
data = string.format("[%i 0 R/Fit]", cur_page)
elseif dest_type == "fith" then
local x, y = projected(p.matrix, x, y)
data = string.format("[%i 0 R/FitH %.5f]", cur_page, sp2bp(y))
elseif dest_type == "fitv" then
local x, y = projected(p.matrix, x, y)
data = string.format("[%i 0 R/FitV %.5f]", cur_page, sp2bp(x))
elseif dest_type == "fitb" then
data = string.format("[%i 0 R/FitB]", cur_page)
elseif dest_type == "fitbh" then
local x, y = projected(p.matrix, x, y)
data = string.format("[%i 0 R/FitBH %.5f]", cur_page, sp2bp(y))
elseif dest_type == "fitbv" then
local x, y = projected(p.matrix, x, y)
data = string.format("[%i 0 R/FitBV %.5f]", cur_page, sp2bp(x))
if pfile:written(dests[id]) then