Fix glyph offsets in r2l

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Marcel Krüger 2020-07-13 23:19:11 +02:00
parent 087bbc013d
commit 8dd79f0134
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ function nodehandler.hlist(p, list, x0, y, outerlist, origin, level)
local next = getnext(n)
local w = next and rangedimensions(list, n, next) or rangedimensions(list, n)
if direction == 1 then x = x - w end
nodehandler[id](p, n, x, y, list, x0, level+1)
nodehandler[id](p, n, x, y, list, x0, level+1, direction)
if direction == 0 then x = w + x end
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ local function do_commands(p, c, f, fid, x, y, outer, ...)
function nodehandler.glyph(p, n, x, y, ...)
function nodehandler.glyph(p, n, x, y, outer, x0, level, direction)
if getfont(n) ~= p.vfont.fid then
p.vfont.fid = getfont(n)
p.vfont.font = font.getfont(getfont(n)) or font.fonts[getfont(n)]
@ -449,9 +449,9 @@ function nodehandler.glyph(p, n, x, y, ...)
texio.write_nl("Missing character")
if c.commands then return do_commands(p, c, f, fid, x, y, ...) end
if c.commands then return do_commands(p, c, f, fid, x, y, outer, x0, level, direction) end
local xoffset, yoffset = getoffsets(n)
toglyph(p, getfont(n), x + xoffset, y + yoffset, getexpansion(n))
toglyph(p, getfont(n), x + (direction == 1 and -xoffset or xoffset), y + yoffset, getexpansion(n))
local index = c.index
if index then
-- if f.encodingbytes == -3 then