pdfvariable xformmargin

This commit is contained in:
Marcel Krüger 2020-07-31 03:22:40 +02:00
parent ec6aa206e2
commit 43d435ab90
2 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ function tex.saveboxresource(n, attr, resources, immediate, type, margin, pfile)
token.put_next(token.create'box', token.new(n, token.command_id'char_given'))
n = token.scan_list()
margin = margin or tex.sp'1bp' -- FIXME: default margin variable
margin = margin or pdfvariable.xformmargin
return savedbox_save(pfile or get_pfile(), n, attr, resources, immediate, type, margin, fontdirs, usedglyphs)
tex.useboxresource = savedbox.use

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@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ pdf_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'horigin', tex.sp'1in')
pdf_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'vorigin', tex.sp'1in')
pdf_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'linkmargin', tex.sp'0pt')
pdf_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'destmargin', tex.sp'0pt')
pdf_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'threadmargin', tex.sp'0pt') -- We don't support threads, so this isn't doing anything
pdf_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'xformmargin', tex.sp'0pt')
pdf_variable(dimen_code, token.scan_dimen, 'threadmargin', tex.sp'0pt', true) -- We don't support threads, so this isn't doing anything
pdf_variable(count_code, token.scan_int, 'majorversion', 1)
pdf_variable(count_code, token.scan_int, 'minorversion', 7)
pdf_variable(count_code, token.scan_int, 'compresslevel', 9)